Public Hearing Ordinance 3 021
<br />Text and Section Numbers /Headings = Proposed Language
<br />StrikethFeugh = Existing Language Deleted
<br />An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations of
<br />Orange County
<br />Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Orange, North Carolina, that the Zoning
<br />Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations are hereby amended as follows:
<br />Section 1. (pages 23 -1 through 23 -2) Amend Article 23 (Violations. Penalties and Remedies) of the
<br />Orange County, NC Zoning Ordinance to read as follows:
<br />23.1 Violations;, Violators
<br />23.1.1 Violation
<br />It is unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance to establish, create, expand, occupy, or
<br />maintain any use, land development activity, or structure, including, but not limited to,
<br />signs and buildings, that violates or is inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance or
<br />any order, approval, or authorization issued pursuant to this Ordinance. Approvals and
<br />authorizations include, but are not limited to, Special Use Permits, Sign Permits, Building
<br />Permits, Certificates of Zoning Compliance, Certificates of Occupancy, Variances,
<br />development plans, site plans, landscaping plans, and conditions of such permits,
<br />variances, and plans. It is also a violation to engage in any construction, land
<br />development activity, or use without all approvals and authorizations required by this
<br />Ordinance.
<br />23.1.2 Violators
<br />Violators include, but are not limited to, any person(s) who owns, leases, occupies,
<br />manages, or builds any structure or land development activity in violation of this
<br />Ordinance, and any person (s) who owns, leases, or occupies a use in violation of this
<br />Ordinance. A violation may be charged against more than one violator. For the purpose
<br />of Article 23 of the Orange County, NC Zoning Ordinance, the term "person" is defined to
<br />include but not be limited to any individual, group of individuals, or. any corporation,
<br />partnership, association, company, or business, trust, joint venture, or other legal entity.
<br />In addition, one or more of the following persons may be held responsible for a violation
<br />of this Ordinance, and be subject to the remedies and penalties provided in this Article:
<br />1) An owner of the property on which the violation of this Ordinance occurs, any,
<br />tenant or occupant of that property who has control over, or responsibility for, its
<br />use or development, or any other person who participates in, assists, directs,
<br />creates, or maintains a situation that constitutes a violation of this Ordinance.
<br />23.1.3 Responsibility
<br />The Zoning Officer shall enforce this Ordinance and the remedies authorized under this
<br />Article. The Zoning Officer shall have the authority to settle any violations that involve the
<br />payment of money to the governing body.
<br />GACurrent Planning Div\Tking\ZO &SR Enforcement Amendments\Public Hearing Ordinance
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