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you're probably looking at a minimum of someone in the fifty to the one - hundred dollar <br />range, by the time you assessed it, got the material, went out there and did the work and did <br />everything like that. <br />"Just to give you an example, we have a policy that if we relocate a pole, which involves <br />going out there and having somebody take the fixture off the pole and put it on another pole; this <br />is a flat rate of $268. And sometimes it's less than that and sometimes it's more, but that's kind <br />of an average. So, it's not always cheap. The workforce that we have to utilize, they have to be <br />experts doing what they're doing because moving a light is a relatively simple matter, but <br />they've got to be prepared for all kinds of contingencies, so it's not always that cheap." <br />Barry Jacobs "Thank you. I'd like to request that staff look into that. Piedmont Electric said that <br />they would do that for nothing that the owner of the light had to request it, not the person whose <br />house it's shining into. So, I would be very interested in knowing if it's different by utility or, <br />maybe, I'm not using the correct term of arc, but that was the information that I got, and that <br />would certainly influence whether I thought it was a reasonable thing. If it's going to be less <br />reasonable, then, I might want to consider at least having it done for governmental entities so <br />that their lights are phased out over a period of time, so that, at least the schools and the <br />municipalities and the County phased out the lights that are polluting and take, and again, as we <br />often say, lead by example. <br />Nicole Gooding — Rav "Commissioner Halkiotis." <br />Commissioner Halkiotis "I just wanted to make sure that Craig and the staff were certain to get <br />some of the proposals out to the Chambers of Commerce on both ends of the County. I've been <br />around this County long enough to know that I have seen laser shows for both advertising and <br />entertainment, indoors and outdoors, and I've also seen a lot of search lights, from Chapel Hill <br />Boulevard to Hillsborough and parts north and west. I think it would be just a good policy to get <br />this before both Chambers to let the business community know what's being proposed here." <br />Nicole Gooding -Rav "Mr. Bryan." <br />Jay Bryan, Planning Board Member "I have a couple of quick things. There are a couple of <br />places in the Ordinance where it talks about cut -off features. And my suggestion would be that <br />where it says "cut -off' it should be really full cut -off. That means that you don't let the light <br />horizontal. I didn't see the term full cut -off so I'm not sure how this would apply but that's one <br />suggestion. <br />"The second one was that the lighting plan, for instance in other ordinances, show <br />consideration for energy — efficient lighting and that kind of thing. That's made a part of what's <br />being required. <br />"Thirdly, there wasn't anything about how you measure light, that is how the County, <br />measures light and this could complicate the Ordinance by that, but there's nothing in there that <br />defines that. <br />Nicole Gooding — Rav "Ok, Ms. Price." <br />Ms. Renee Price "People who spoke, whether they thought the issue was more the type of <br />lighting, or whether it is the design of the light fixtures itself and, you know, which would actually <br />achieve the lighting you want overall for the efficiency ?" <br />Ron Osborne "it makes sense. While I've got my thought train, I wanted to make one comment. <br />Mr. Jacobs, in the attachment that Duke Power provided, there are the rate schedules offered <br />by the Commission. There's a contract period on the lights which helps Duke Power recoup the <br />investment and everything. If the light was replaced once that contract period for whatever the <br />