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Z ~~ ~~~~ <br />~~~ 0200 3 - o0 3 4C <br />process for the park, fix the membership of the Concept Plan Review Committee, and authorize staff <br />and the Clerk's office to begin recruitment. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made two suggestions about the proposed committee. Instead of <br />saying a member of Habitat for Humanity, he thought we were trying to get someone from Richmond <br />Hills. He also suggested having an Efland-Cheeks Elementary PTA member. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis and Commissioner Carey have already volunteered to serve on this <br />committee. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br />the proposed mission and process for Efland-Cheeks Park, Phase II; fix the membership of the Concept <br />Plan Review Committee (Commissioner Halkiotis and Commissioner Carey); and authorize staff to begin <br />recruitment for the Concept Plan Review Committee, to be appointed in March. This also includes the <br />changes as suggested by Commissioner Jacobs above. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Maior Subdivision and Rural Buffer Notification and Flexible Development <br />Amendments <br />The Board considered an amendment to the County's subdivision regulations to allow flexible <br />development guidelines to be applied in the rural buffer zoning district, enhance the notification <br />procedures by requiring that an informational sign be placed on major subdivision proposals in the <br />County's planning jurisdiction, and increasing, at the concept stage, the percentage of lots that requires <br />soil analysis. <br />Craig Benedict summarized the information in the agenda. The new proposal requires <br />notification and a neighborhood information meeting on all subdivisions within the County's jurisdiction, <br />and it also includes a sign to be posted on the property announcing that a subdivision is in process. <br />Also, flexible development has been added to the rural buffer in two of the mechanisms -conservation <br />cluster option and the estate option. Another area that is suggested to be changed is the percentage of <br />soils that must be checked to see the feasibility of septic systems. The suggested change is from 15% <br />to 50% to find out if soils are suitable. This investigation should be done during the concept plan stage. <br />Commissioner Gordon verified that the change in percentage applies to all lots and not just <br />the rural buffer. She also verified that the flexible development changes were for major subdivisions. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the Board of County Commissioners could still choose the <br />option for flexible development after the Planning Board. Craig Benedict said yes, to his knowledge. He <br />deferred to the County Attorney. <br />Geoff Gledhill said that his recollection is that there is an appeal to the County <br />Commissioners from a decision about whether or not the option is flexible or conventional. This decision <br />is made at the preliminary plan stage and it can be appealed by the owner of the property to the Board <br />of County Commissioners. If the County Commissioners do not like the option selected, he thinks that <br />the response is to send it back to the Planning Board to start over again. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that as someone who has criticized the rural buffer for failing to <br />provide any open space, he would like to congratulate staff on its creativity and responsiveness. He <br />thinks this is a big improvement. He said that he believes that we are being responsive to the citizens <br />that the Board has heard regarding the rural buffer. The citizens have repeatedly said in recent years <br />that they want the rural character to be preserved in their area and they want open space. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Chair Brown to approve the <br />amendments to the subdivision regulations to 1) allow flexible development guidelines to be applied in <br />the Rural Buffer Zoning District; 2) enhance the notification procedures by requiring an informational <br />sign to be placed on major subdivision proposals in the County planning jurisdiction prior to <br />Neighborhood Information Meetings; and 3) increase, at concept stage, the percentage of lots that <br />requires a soil analysis by a soil scientist. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Appointments <br />1) Human Relations Commission <br />The Board considered two appointments to the Human Relations Commission. <br />