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5 <br /> 1 Commissioner Jacobs said that phase one was just the grading. <br /> 2 Commissioner Brown said that the usage of fields should be very clear in this <br /> 3 agreement. <br /> 4 Commissioner Carey said that the Joint Use Agreement should be reinforced as often as <br /> 5 possible. <br /> 6 Commissioner Brown made reference to C-3 and asked to add that whenever money is <br /> 7 spent on park designs and planning that a County Commissioner be involved in the design <br /> 8 process and that the expenditure for this process be approved by the Board of County <br /> 9 Commissioners. She has concerns about people spending money on plans and designs and <br /> 10 then dumping them. <br /> 11 The Board discussed the language for the sentence that Commissioner Brown wanted to <br /> 12 add to item C-3 as follows: "Any such funding should be subject to County Commissioners' <br /> 13 approval and a Commissioner may be appointed to any planning/design process as deemed <br /> 14 appropriate by the County Commissioners." The Board agreed on this sentence by consensus. <br /> 15 Staff will bring these recommendations back with all the changes. It will be put on the <br /> 16 December 7`h Consent Agenda. <br /> 17 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br /> 18 adopt the recommendations of the School/Parks Reserve Committee as revised and suggested <br /> 19 by Commissioners Gordon and Jacobs and amended with the one sentence suggested by <br /> 20 Commissioner Brown. <br /> 21 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Commissioner Jacobs said that the Carrboro Board of Aldermen understands that the <br /> 24 Board will not entertain any proposals for parks until after the first of the year. He was not <br /> 25 aware that any comments were made in that regard. He said that he was operating under the <br /> 26 assumption that the Board likes this one-to-one match that is mentioned in the document that <br /> 27 was just endorsed. He said that even if there is talk about using bond money that one-to-one <br /> 28 matches should be envisioned. He asked if another policy statement should be adopted that <br /> 29 deals with bond monies that is not part of the School/Parks Fund. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 3. CRITERIA FOR PARKLAND ACQUISITION <br /> 32 The Board discussed the criteria for evaluating possible land acquisition. Chair Gordon <br /> 33 mentioned the "existence of matching funds from a requesting jurisdiction"from the agenda <br /> 34 abstract and said that when the criteria is discussed that the Board could always say that they <br /> 35 expect at least a one-to-one match. She said that the staff is suggesting that the Board adopt <br /> 36 these criteria on an interim basis. <br /> 37 Commissioner Carey asked about the weighting system of the criteria and he was told <br /> 38 that this would be brought back at a later time after the Board adopts the criteria. <br /> 39 The Board agreed to say that at least a one-to-one match would be expected. <br /> 40 Commissioner Brown said that if any of the criteria is not applicable, then it should be <br /> 41 noted. <br /> 42 The Board agreed to add the following Parklands Acquisition Criteria: <br /> 43 1. The Board expects at least a one-to-one match of funds from a requesting <br /> 44 jurisdiction <br /> 45 2. All criteria are applicable <br /> 46 3. Cost— relative impact on County resources available and past contributions <br /> 47 4. Amount of resources already invested and previous commitments to that entity <br /> 48 5. Geographical location to the area to be served <br /> 49 6. Centrally located for the targeted population <br /> 50 7. Relationship to the inventory of existing facilities <br /> 51 <br /> 52 Commissioner Carey made reference to the statements "Appropriate intensity of use for <br /> 53 the area" and "Land for active recreation is suitable and appropriate for planned uses" and <br /> 54 asked if this was a duplication. <br />