Orange County NC Website
Code of 1986, as amended through the closing date of the Bonds, including <br />applicable Treasury regulations. <br />17. Book Entry System for Bond Registration -- The Bonds wi71 <br />be issued by means of a book-entry system, with one bond certificate for each <br />maturity of each series of bonds immobilized at The Depository Trust Company, New <br />York, New York ("DTC"), and not available for distribution to the public. The book- <br />entry system for registration will operate as described in the Official Statement. <br />Therefore, (a) the County will pay principal, premium, if any, and interest on the <br />Bonds to DTC or its nominee as registered owner of the Bonds, (b) the County will <br />not be responsible or liable for such transfer of payments to parties other than DTC <br />or for maintaining, supervising or reviewing the records maintained by DTC or any <br />other person related to the Bonds, and (c) the County will not mail redemption notices <br />(or any other notices related to the Bonds) to anyone other than DTC or its nominee <br />so long as the book-entry system of registration with DTC is in effect. The County <br />may elect to discontinue the book-entry system with DTC. The Finance Officer is <br />authorized and directed to enter into any agreements he deems appropriate to put into <br />place the book-entry system with DTC. <br />18. Confirmation of Financial Advisor -The Board confirms the <br />selection of Ferris, Baker, Watts & Co. to serve as the County's financial advisor with <br />respect to the refunding. <br />19. Call of Prior Bonds for Redemption -The Board authorizes and <br />directs the Finance Officer to make, on the County's behalf, an irrevocable call for <br />redemption of such of the County's general obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 1993, <br />and its general obligation School Bonds, Series 1993, as the Finance Officer (after <br />consultation with the LGC) deems beneficial to the County. The Finance Officer will <br />make this call for redemption by the execution and delivery of an appropriate <br />certificate in connection with the original delivery of the Refunding Bonds. <br />20. Nfiscellaneous Provisions -- All County officers and employees <br />are authorized and directed to take all such further action as they may consider <br />necessary or desirable in connection with the furtherance of the purposes of this <br />resolution, All such prior actions of County officers and employees are ratified, <br />approved and confirmed. Upon the absence, unavailability or refusal to act of the <br />Chair or the Finance Officer, the County Manager may assume any responsibility or <br />85902.1 <br />