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Commissioner Jacobs made reference to a tub grinder and alternatives to open burning. He <br />clarified that the Solid Waste Manager rents a large tub grinder twice a year to grind debris. He said that it <br />is feasible to recover some of the costs of C&D recycling by grinding debris for resale. <br />Commissioner Brown suggested taking C&D materials and separating them into different <br />categories for different uses. Gayle Wilson said that this is an idea worth pursuing. <br />Chair Gordon asked about the other temporary options for C&D waste. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she feels C&D materials should be accepted but it just needs to <br />be managed. There was a consensus to delete temporary option #2, which is suspension of acceptance <br />of C&D. <br />Commissioner Carey does not feel that C&D waste should be put into the solid waste landfill. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he would like the Board to keep the 1.3 million dollars in mind. <br />He feels that the C&D issue should be considered holistically. <br />The Board discussed using the C&D site on Eubanks Road for 12 years. The basic <br />development costs would be the same whether or not they would use it for one year or 12 years. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he feels a timeframe needs to be developed with decision <br />points on making the solid waste management decisions. <br />Chair Gordon asked how the Board would like to proceed with this issue. <br />Commissioner Carey does not feel a lot of progress could be made on the long term decisions <br />before the County Commissioners receive some recommendation from the Solid Waste Advisory <br />Committee. <br />permit. <br />Chair Gordon asked when the Board could find out about the eighteen-month extension of the <br />Gayle Wilson said that he hopes to know before the holidays. <br />John Link confirmed that there is an 80% chance of receiving the permit for extension of the <br />present C&D site. He said that if the permit was not received, the emergency measure would be to put <br />C&D in the solid waste landfill. The message is that the citizens of Grange County are going to pay for <br />protecting the environment. He said that, in regards to a timeframe, the Solid Waste Advisory Committee <br />could submit a preliminary report within three months after they begin to meet. <br />site. <br />Commissioner Brown would like some information on a timeline for developing an inert debris <br />Gayle Wilson said that the rules and regulations would have to be researched, and then a site <br />search would be conducted. <br />John Link said that in April at a Board of County Commissioners work session the Board could <br />decide on what they want to do long term for C&D. By this time, there should be enough information from <br />the staff and task force findings to make a long-term decision. He asked for the Board to authorize the <br />staff to move ahead with beginning the process of permitting the Eubanks Road site for a C&D site. This <br />was approved by consensus. <br />Commissioner Brown asked how the Board of County Commissioners would keep track of solid <br />waste activities.