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Linda Carver spoke about Millhouse Road not being included in this project. She lives in the <br />watershed of the old landfill off Millhouse Road that is not lined. She said that homes have been built <br />there for about 20 years before much was known about putting things in landfills. She said that all of the <br />people in the watershed of the old landfill that is not lined on Millhouse Road are on wells. She would like <br />to be sure that adequate test wells will be drilled around the landfill, that they would be tested in a periodic <br />manner, and that there would be some written contingency by the County Commissioners that in the event <br />of the groundwater being contaminated that lines would be extended. <br />Julia Blackwood endorsed what Reverend Campbell and Linda Carver said. She thinks <br />Millhouse Road should be considered for extension of waterlines. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt the <br />resolution to set into motion the process for constructing extensions of existing water lines to designated <br />properties in the Rogers Road neighborhood. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the Board might need to look at the minutes of the <br />Community Benefits Committee meeting because they made a recommendation that there would be a <br />written guarantee for the Nunn family to take care of any problems they may have. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the County Commissioners could ask the Solid Waste Advisory <br />Board to work on a written contingency plan and meet with the people in the neighborhood. He said that <br />although this motion does not address everything that was brought up by the residents, the Board wants to <br />address all of those issues at some point. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would be interested in the Advisory Board bringing forth a <br />recommendation to establish an impact fund. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Establishment of Charge to the Solid Waste Advisory Board <br />The Board considered approval of the charge to the Solid Waste Advisory Board. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve <br />the charge to the Solid Waste Advisory Board as presented. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Innovation and Efficiency Committee - Elements of Charge and Composition <br />The Board considered the creation and tasking of an Innovation and Efficiency Committee. <br />Rod Visser made a brief presentation. He reminded the Board that one of the 1999-2000 <br />County Commissioners' goals is the creation of a new Innovation and Efficiency Committee. The idea is <br />to have the committee present a report by next spring so that the recommendations could be considered <br />for the 2000-2001 fiscal year budget. He said that the formal charge did not have to be adopted tonight <br />and the Board could just give some feedback. <br />Chair Gordon referred to page three of the report and said that she would like a report on the <br />third bullet about the County's two pilot employee/team incentive programs. She would like to know if the <br />dollars spent were greater than the dollars saved. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested contacting the members from last year to see if they want to <br />serve again. He does not feel that the new members need to review the entire report. He would like to <br />narrow it down to the recommendations on page 11. He does not see any need to retain recommendation <br />#2, because a space study is going to be done, or #3 because he does not know what the status is of the <br />paperless purchasing. He is interested in "e" on page 13 regarding evaluation mechanisms. Also, he <br />thinks that recommendation #5 is something the committee could pursue. He referred to the third <br />paragraph on page 10, and said that he would like the committee to investigate similar innovation and <br />efficiency analysis within the school systems. He is also interested in the possibility of electronic <br />government and other cutting edge methods of doing government business. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that tax-exempt status of the University is useless and should not <br />be studied any further. He thinks the committee should be on the same page with what the County is <br />trying to do with the issue of value engineering. He said that there are a lot of things that the County has <br />done with value engineering since the last committee made its recommendations. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to recommendations 10 and 11 and said that she is not <br />sure why they were included. She does not think that greenways should be studied. She would like to <br />9