Orange County NC Website
State is going backwards and the schools are in a painful situation. He said that the ray of <br />hope is the Orange County Board of Commissioners and he knows that it will do the right <br />thing. <br />Chair Pelissier said that the Board of County Commissioners also cares about the <br />children in Orange County and they care about others in Orange County too. She said that the <br />County Commissioners will do the best that they can. <br />Commissioner McKee commended the Superintendents, boards, and staffs for the <br />judicious use of fund balances. He asked about the enrollment and whether it was over or <br />below the projected figure. <br />Superintendent Pedersen said that for next year the projected figure is 116 below this <br />year's projection. <br />Michelle Brownstein said that they have been encouraging families to contact <br />legislators about public school funding so that there is a groundswell across the whole state <br />and not just in this county. <br />Jamezetta Bedford said that most of the parents are not informed or aware of the <br />financial impacts that are projected. <br />Anne Medenblick said that she serves on the Legislative Committee of the school <br />board and they are lobbying heavily for the local control of the calendar. There was <br />conservative support for this as well as support from the school boards. It has not yet come to <br />committee. The legislators are all very supportive of the bill. She recommended as many <br />emails and correspondences to Speaker Tillis as possible because he has buried the bill. <br />Chair Pelissier made reference to Attachment 6, which is the Allocation of Projected <br />Revenue for FY 2011-12. <br />Clarence Grier went through Attachment 6. <br />Allocation of Projected Revenue for FY 2011-12 <br />(based on Preliminary Revenue Estimates of $176.0 million) <br />Schools -For FY 2011-12, assume the same total dollar amount for Current Expense for <br />appropriation (does not include funding for Durham Technical College in calculation of the <br />48.1 % target) <br /> FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 Difference % Change <br /> Actual Preliminary <br />Current Expense $59,371,992 $59,371,992 $0 0.0% <br />(Mandated <br />Appropriation, <br />Discretionary <br />Dollars <br />Recurring $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $0 0.0% <br />Capital <br />(Mandated <br />Appropriation, <br />Discretionary <br />Dollars) <br />Long Range $2,590,117 $2,628,969 $38,852 1.5% <br />Capital <br />