Orange County NC Website
c. It is the County's intent to increase its contribution to the Town Library bv~ <br />adding 3% of the total annual operational costs of the County Library <br />system to the sum contributed to the Town each fiscal year Over the life of <br />this agreement, doing so would increase the County's contribution to the <br />Towns Llbrarv from its current 18% of total County Library S stem <br />~eratlonal costs to 30% In the fiscal year ending June 30 2015 <br />d._ If to any fiscal near the County does not increase its funding of the County <br />Library System by an amount equal to the increase being orovided the <br />Town Library via this agreement the amount contributed to the Town <br />Library well be less. than 3% If in any fiscal year the County reduces <br />L.~ ._~ _._ _..._i. , .~ <br />(FOrmatl~l: Bullets and Numbering <br />Formatted: Fait; Bold, Underline <br />Formatted: Font: Bold, Underline <br />3. <br />increase in funding provided the Town Library by the County each fiscal <br />ear. <br />f. At no time during the term of this agreement would the County's <br />contribution tp the Town Library fall below the base amount of ~25D ODO <br />q. Funding for equipment facility expansion and debt service associated with <br />facility enhancements of County Libraries are not operational costs and <br />are excluded'to calctilatlon of.contributioris to be provided the Town Library <br />by the County. <br />~h. The Town will remain responsible for the day to day operations of theme <br />Municipal Library. <br />INTEROPERABILITY GF LIBRARY SYSTEMS <br />a. The Parties agree fo direct County and Town managers and .library staff to <br />examine :metfiods' arid;,dete~mine the most appropriate methods of <br />~interoperabi(ify' between -the Orange County Library System anal the Town <br />` of Chapel Hfll :Library. <br />b. Upon staff mutually determining the most appropriate methods for a <br />transition to interoperability, County and Town management shall. make a <br />recommendation to the governing boards of the County and Town before <br />November 2012: This recommendation will include a description of costs <br />and benefits of options considered. <br />c..U~on adoption of an agreement implementing interoperability, which may <br />be ~adopfef by way of Amendment to Phis Agreement, such interoperability <br />shall tie phased in over an appropriate period of time. <br />4. <br />LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES/ADVISORY BOARD <br />The Board of County Commissioners shall appoint a county commissioner to _ <br />serve as liaison to the Town's Library Board of Trustees: The liaison may attend <br />Board of Trustee's meetings and may make recommendations to the Board of <br />Trustees. <br />~rmatted: Font: Bold, Underline 1 <br />I Formatted; Font: Bold, Underline ~ <br />- Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />5. REVIEW OF AGREEMENT <br />