Orange County NC Website
9 <br />2010 Tobacco Corranunities Reinvestment Fund <br />Community Application-Central Region <br />4. if your project is successful, how will it benefit farmers in your community? How much <br />income do you expect to generate from the project annually? How much income will farmer <br />participants earn from the project? <br />Programs at the Breeze Farm reach out to a diverse group of participants: <br />• Traditional tobacco farmers who are interested in diversifying <br />• Row crop, dairy, and beef farmers interested in diversifying <br />• Young farmers why don't have access to land or sufficient capital, but are interested in <br />organic & sustainable- farming <br />• Graduates of the Central Carolina Community College Sustainable Farming Program <br />• Other traditional farmers who want to diversify <br />• Persons who want to farm. as a second career <br />• Pe-rsons who want to farm in retirement <br />Each year, the PLANT program-provides on-going support to growers in finding markets to sell <br />produce, dealing with production issues, and providing support for infrastructure at the farm. Ln <br />addition, on-going educational- support throughout the summers of 2008, 2009, and 2010 was <br />provided to apprentice farmers with. field walks on site or at host farms by experienced mentor <br />farmers as-well as other demonstrations such as irrigation set-up and deer fence construction. <br />Of particular note were-the many row-crop and tobacco farmers that have stopped by the farm <br />to observe the deer fence that is used to protect plantings from deer damage. <br />During the past two years, participants in the workshop series traveled from Alamance, <br />Caswell, -Chatham, Durham, Orange, Person, and Wake Counties. Those_ interested in <br />sustainable production- will attend classes that interest them even if they have to travel several <br />hours. The commitment of this targeted farmer_ population- allows the Breeze Farm to serve a <br />larger area in the Piedmont Region_ <br />The -Farm incubator was included in the Piedmont Farm Tour in 2009 and 2010 and attracted <br />many new and diversifying farmers across the state. Many farm four participants are <br />interested in learning about opportunities for commercial agricultural production, but are not <br />often aware of the existing- programs. Those from the- consumer perspective appreciate the <br />opportunity to better understand how and which fruits, berries, and vegetables can be grown in <br />the Piedmont Region and perhaps more importantly, when these products are freshest and <br />how they can be- preserved for year-round consumption. Through works-hops and tours, the <br />Breeze Farm helps generate new farmers and increase market demand for_locally-grown, <br />r-wised, and made farm products. <br />Based on the business plans developed by the farm enterprises at the Breeze Farm, average <br />gross revenue was estimated at $9,000 per acre. Given the early stage of the farm <br />enterprises, it is likely that gross revenue will be greater than these estimates in the first 3 to 5 <br />years of operations. The PLANT program will conduct annual surveys of all program <br />participants and associated farm enterprises, and request voluntary reporting. of farm income <br />related to the PLANT training program. Participants reported athree-fold profit increase <br />following completion of the PLANT @ Breeze workshop series, with many indicating that they <br />Page 8 of 19 <br />