Orange County NC Website
13 <br />2!J 10 Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund <br />Community Application-Central Region <br />10. In what areas do you believe you will need assistance in order to successfully complete <br />your project? Who have you identified to assist you in those areas? Are those individuals <br />aware of your project and have they agreed to help you? <br />between the commitment from the NC Cooperative Extension department, Orange County's <br />Economic Development department, and successful new entrepreneurial farmers, we feel <br />confident of the project team to implement this effort. The individuals no#ed in earlier sections <br />for this document have a track record of collaborating on this project and have pledged their <br />continued support of the Breeze Farm program. <br />11. Please describe your plans for continuing the project beyond the duration of the grant <br />funding. Where will you get the money to continue to support project activities? <br />We plan to continue the PIANT Farm Enterprise Incu-baton program beyond-the durations of <br />grant funding. An annual $10,000 is provided by Oran-ge Count~i government to support this <br />program. In addition, staff that facilitate the program have permanent employment with <br />Orange County. <br />Page 12 of 19 <br />