2011-411 EDC - Rural Advancement Foundation International - Tobacco communities reinvestment funds Breeze Farm Enterprise Incubator
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2011-411 EDC - Rural Advancement Foundation International - Tobacco communities reinvestment funds Breeze Farm Enterprise Incubator
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Last modified
6/22/2011 4:17:23 PM
Creation date
6/22/2011 4:17:20 PM
Meeting Type
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11 <br />2010 Tobacco Communities-Reinvestment Fund <br />Community Application-Central Region <br />6. Please list farmer participants in the project: <br />Tobacco % of Household <br />Income income from <br />Name Type of Farming (Yes or No) -Farming <br />Allan Green Produce N 20% <br />B. Hines f D. Lazarus- Produce N 2 Yr A Prentice <br />David Heeks Produce N 2" Yr A rentice <br />Marcia Graf Produce /Flowers N 15% <br />Dave Ramirez Produce N 20% <br />Tom ~ Linda Sava a Produce N 10% <br />Will Cramer Produce N 1.00°l° <br />Note: As an apprentice program, annual income information is not available for first year <br />apprentices. <br />7. What research have you donE to determine if this project will work? -Why do you believe that <br />this project can be successful? How have you determined that there is a-market demand_for <br />the products? <br />The PLANT .Farm Enterprise Incubator is entering its-fourth year of programming and has a <br />proven track record of success. Summarized over the 2008, 2009, and 2.010.8-week <br />workshop series, 155 current and potential farmers were trained on small scale sustainable <br />vegetable, fruit, and 1'ivestock production. Participants included current and former tobacco <br />farmers and quota holders, and- included a diverse population of current and potential farmers, <br />including African-Americans, Asians, and Native Americans, with ari age range from 23 to 64. <br />Cattle and- row-crop farmers h-a~re also participated _in the training program. Mentor farmers <br />from Alamance, Caswell, Chatham, Orange, and Wilkes Counties represent our statewide <br />agricultural diversity and testify to the support of the program by established farmers. <br />The information intensive 8-week workshop series reviewed other new farmer #raining program <br />across the United States-and includes training on the following topics: <br />• Whole Farm Planning <br />• Soif Fertility, Irrigation Manaz~ement, and Crop Rotation <br />• Plant-Disease, Insect, and Weed IVlanagement <br />• Planting,-Harvesting, and Post-Harvest Handling <br />• Enterprise Development and Busi-Hess Planning <br />• Record keeping and Taxes <br />• Marketing <br />• Integrated Farm Management <br />In 2008, 7 farm enterprises (11 individuals) rented land at the Breeze Farm and grew crops for <br />sale. Apprentices included an African American, as well as two individuals from former. <br />tobacco growers and /or quota holder farm families. All 7 farm enterprises completed a <br />business plan prior to planting their crops and marketed their crops through farmers' markets, <br />community supported agricu{tune (CSA), restaurants, wholesale to Whole Foods, and a (new) <br />farm stand. <br />Page 10 of 19 <br />
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