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Orange County Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual Issue Date: 6/22/2011 $ <br />An employer may inquire as to an applicant's ability to perform essential job related <br />functions. Further, an employer may ask an applicant to describe or demonstrate <br />how, with or without reasonable accommodation; the applicant will be able to <br />perform essential job- related functions. <br />Determining essential job functions requires an analysis of the position to determine <br />what functions are essential as a matter of business necessity. Determining essential <br />functions of a position should be completed before recruitment is opened for a <br />position. Those fundamental or essential job functions should then be documented on <br />various instruments including position classification questionnaires, classification <br />specifications, recruitment matrixes, and job announcements. A job function may be <br />considered essential for any of several reasons. The primary reasons are as follows: 1) <br />the reason the position exists is to perform that function; 2) there is a limited number <br />of employees available among whore the performance of that job function can be <br />distributed; and/or 3) the function is highly specialized so that the incumbent in the <br />position is hired to perform that particular function. Some ways to substantiate this <br />are through the amount of time spent performing the function and the consequences <br />of not requiring a- person in the job to perform that function. <br />For example, if lifting 50 pounds is an essential function of a position, it would be <br />appropriate to ask an applicant, "Can you lift 50 pounds ten times an hour ?" <br />However, it would be inappropriate to inquire, "Do you have any disabilities which <br />would prohibit you from lifting 50 pounds at +a time ?" The first manner of inquiry <br />does not solicit information as to why the person may not be able to perform -the <br />function, merely if they are able to perform an essential function of the position. Note <br />that if the inquiry is being made about lifting, then it should be an essential function <br />of the job. Inquiries or assessments involving physical standards must first be <br />approved by the Human Resources Department based nn job requirements and <br />business necessities. If the function can be eliminated or removed from the job then <br />the function is probably not essential and inquiries on the subject should be avoided <br />as they cannot be used as a basis for screening out otherwise qualified applicants with <br />disabilities. <br />5. Alcohol and Illegal Drug Usage <br />Current use of an illegal substance is not considered a disability under the Act. <br />However, if someone currently uses illegal drugs and has another covered disability, <br />that person would be covered under the ADAAA based on the other covered <br />disability. Under the ADAAA, Orange County still has the right to prohibit the use of <br />alcohol or illegal drugs at the work place and may still prohibit employees from being <br />under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at the work place. A drug user or <br />alcoholic may be held to the same qualification standards for employment or job <br />performance and behavior standards as other employees. If someone's substandard <br />work performance is related to alcohol or illegal drug usage, that person may still be <br />Page 6 <br />