2011-416 Housing - Orange County HOME Consortium Agreement
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2011-416 Housing - Orange County HOME Consortium Agreement
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Last modified
11/21/2018 2:09:26 PM
Creation date
6/22/2011 12:02:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
5/3/11; 5-d
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Agenda - 05-03-2011 - 5d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 05-03-2011
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D. The OHC Program Review Committee shall prepare a proposed HOME program design <br />each year and consortium program application to HUD, in compliance with the Act, the <br />Regulations, and the Federal Program Requirements, including reallocation of any funds <br />from previous years not expended or any repayments or other program income consistent <br />with this Section. Each year's proposed HOME program design and the consortium <br />program application should be consistent with the Consolidated Plan. Each year's <br />program design shall be subject to the approval of each consortium member's elected <br />board. The proposed HOME program design will define a strategy in sufficient detail to <br />accommodate the collective and individual needs and priorities of the County and Towns. <br />The OHC Program Review Committee -shall also review the Consolidated Plan Update <br />each year and any amendments needed,- and present these changes and amendments to <br />each consortium member's elected board for approval and submission to HUD and to the <br />State. <br />All consortium members must approve the HOME program design and any Consolidated <br />Plan amendments prior to their submission to HUD. <br />E. The County and Towns mutually agree that the County shall act as the Lead Entity in a <br />representative capacity for all members of OHC for the purposes of the Act and as further <br />defined in the Federal Program Requirements for funding provided directly by HUD. The <br />County, in its capacity as lead entity; is authorized to enter into an agreement with HUD. <br />The Chair of the Orange County Board of Commissioners, chief elected official of the <br />Lead Entity, acting on behalf of OHC, is authorized to submit an application for funding <br />under the federal HOME Program, consistent with the approved HOME program design <br />for each year. The County, as Lead Entity, is authorized to enter into agreements with <br />non-profit organizations receiving funding under an approved HOME program design. <br />F. The County and Towns mutually agree that the County as Lead Entity shall assume <br />overall responsibility for ensuring that the OHC HOME program meets the requirements <br />concerning the Consolidated Plan is accordance with HUD regulations in 24 CFR Parts <br />92 and 91, respectively, and the requirements of 24 CFR 92.350(a) (5); and further, <br />ensuring that the OHC HOME program is carried out in compliance with the <br />requirements of the .Act, the Regulations and the Federal Program Requirements. The <br />Towns agree to assist the County in maintaining compliance with the Act, the <br />Regulations, and the State and Federal Program Requirements for the full compliance <br />period, extending to and continuing beyond the expiration of this Agreement. <br />G. If any new entities join OHC, the County as Lead Entity agrees to notify HUD in writing <br />and to provide a copy of the authorizing resolution from the new members' governing <br />body and an amendment to this Agreement signed by the chief executive officer of the <br />new member. The County, as Lead Entity, is authorized by this agreement to amend this <br />Agreement on behalf of the entire consortium to add new members to OHC. <br />6 <br />
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