Orange County NC Website
BERNADETTE PELlSS/ER, CHAR ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />STEVE YUHASL, VICE CHAlR P0.7 l' OFF,IC+•E pOX 8 y 8 <br />VALERIE P. FOUSHEE L7 l <br />AL/CE M. GORDON 200 SOUTH GAMERON STREET <br />PAM HEMMlNGER <br />BARRYJAGOBS HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27278 <br />EARL MCKEE <br />May 3, 2011 <br />Family Violence Prevention Center of Orange County <br />Doris Friend, Chair <br />Beverly Kennedy, JD, Executive Director <br />P. O. Box 187 <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />Dear Ms. Friend and Ms. Kennedy, <br />~~..~~ <br />\4 ~a~°~ <br />I am writing on behalf of the Orange County Board of Commissioners in response to a request from your <br />organization on February 15, 2011 in reference to two issues. The first was a request for a County <br />policy/program that requires family violence prevention training for all Orange County employees. The second <br />request was in reference for County participation in a community-wide task force on the provision of services <br />related to family violence. <br />In regards to the issue of employee training on family violence prevention, we would like to know if you had a <br />particular training program in mind that our Human Resources staff could review and perhaps incorporate into <br />the county's existing training programs. Orange County currently has over 800 employees and with limited <br />staff and resources, we would need to be efficient in how time and resources are utilized. We would <br />appreciate any information you could provide on family violence prevention training programs in the workplace. <br />As relates to county participation in a proposed community-wide task force, we believe that there are several <br />county advisory boards that would be appropriate to provide representatives to this type of task force along <br />with designated county staff. Again, any information you could provide as this process moves forward would <br />be greatly appreciated. <br />The Board of Commissioners wants to recognize and thank you and your organization for the outstanding <br />services you continue to provide to our community. <br />Sincerely, ~ <br />Bernadette Pelissier, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />CC: Board of Commissioners <br />Frank Clifton, County Manager <br />www. co. orange. nc. us <br />Protecting and preserving -People, Resources, Quality of Life <br />Orange County, North Carolina -You Count! <br />(919) 245-2130 • FAX (919) 644-0246 <br />