Orange County NC Website
a. Governmental Finance Office Officers' Association Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting <br />The Board recognized Finance Director Ken Chavious and his staff for the receipt of the Government <br />Finance Officers' Association Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting. Ken Chavious said that this has <br />been a team effort and he appreciates every member of his staff for their help in this accomplishment. <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Public Hearing on NC Department of Transportation's Rural Operating Assistance Program <br />The Board held a public hearing regarding the proposed fiscal year 1999-2000 Rural Operating <br />Assistance Program (ROAP) application, which includes the Elderly and Disabled Assistance Program, the Work <br />First Transitional/Employment Transportation Assistance Program, and the Rural General Public Program, and <br />considered approval of the combined ROAP application. <br />Department on Aging Director Jerry Passmore said that it is now a requirement of the N. C. Department <br />of Transportation ROAP application package that the Board of County Commissioners must hold a public hearing. <br />The NCDOT has combined the application process for these three grant programs into one package. He introduced <br />the Transportation Operation Supervisor, Kathy Lewis. The funding for the Elderly and Disabled Transportation <br />Assistance Program is $58,260. The Rural General Public award is $11,911 and requires a 10% match, which helps <br />to subsidize the rural Orange Public Transportation routes. The Work First allocation is $9,143 with no match. He <br />said that $300 is allocated to each individual to assist them with insurance or repairs for transportation to use for <br />employment. If the individual does not have a car, the $300 goes for carpooling and bus passes. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the Elderly and Disabled Assistance Program and if it was expanded <br />to include other areas of the County. <br />Jerry Passmore said that the program has been expanded to provide one trip per week for disabled and <br />elderly for personal business as well as medical. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if any of the programs interacted with the Chapel Hill bus system. <br />Jerry Passmore said that the programs are coordinating with downtown Chapel Hill. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the review of Chapel Hill's bus service and asked if Jerry <br />Passmore was included on that task force. <br />Jerry Passmore said that there is now a need to bus the elderly and disabled for medical needs outside <br />Orange County. UNC Hospital has now set up facilities in Durham at the new High Gate offices. <br />Chair Gordon was asked to write Chapel Hill and request that Jerry Passmore be added to their <br />committee reviewing the bus service. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Kathy Lewis how many years she has been with the County and she said <br />thirteen years. He commended her and the Department on Aging and said that they have come a long way. <br />Jerry Passmore said that the Orange County Department on Aging transportation service has the <br />highest rating for the rural areas in the state. <br />Commissioner Carey thanked Jerry Passmore and his staff. He has seen the transportation system <br />grow in response to the need for the service. <br />Chair Gordon asked if UNC hospitals could help with providing transportation out of the County. <br />Jerry Passmore said that he and his staff plan to look into this possibility. <br />Chair Gordon said that Triangle Transit Authority (TTA) has hired a mobility manager. One of the things <br />this mobility manager is suppose to do is help plan transportation for the Work First candidates. She asked if Jerry <br />Passmore feels that TTA is doing what needs to be done. <br />Kathy Lewis said that she is not sure everything is being done that could be done by TTA. She will <br />continue to work with them on the needs of our citizens. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for clarification about the review of the bus system that Chapel Hill is doing. <br />He said that it seems appropriate that Jerry Passmore participates and also anyone else who may be knowledgeable <br />about the needs of our citizens. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve the <br />Manager's recommendation of submitting the fiscal year 1999-2000 application for the Rural Operating Assistance <br />Program and authorize the Chair to sign the necessary documents. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve those items on <br />the consent agenda as stated below: <br />a. Efland Sewer Fund Inter-fund Debt <br />The Board considered options for resolving debt issues related to the Efland Sewer Fund. The County <br />Commissioners provided conceptual approval of the repayment schedule as outlined in the "Background" section of