Minutes - 19991005
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19991005
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8/14/2008 1:00:29 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:43:45 PM
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Agenda - 10-05-1999
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VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Woodgreen Subdivision - Decision <br />The Board was to consider an application for preliminary plat approval for Woodgreen Subdivision, <br />located at the intersection of Dimmocks Mill and Moorefields roads. However, this item was deleted. The developer <br />requested additional time to review the concerns expressed by the Planning Board. <br />g Creation of Construction and Demolition (C&D) Recycling Task Force <br />The Board considered creating a task force to explore methods of recycling construction and demolition <br />materials. <br />Commissioner Brown feels that there are two distinct issues; economic issues and the manner in which <br />a C&D facility would be operated. She would like to receive recommendations back from this task force on both <br />issues, but she feels they are two very different things. She feels that the task force has too many elected people on <br />it. <br />Chair Gordon said that the County Commissioners could eliminate the representative from each <br />municipal government and have the members of the Solid Waste Advisory Board serve on this task force. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that it could say, "Solid Waste Advisory Board members appointed by each <br />municipal government." He asked for clarification from Commissioner Brown about the list for the task force. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would like to see two distinct groups. <br />Commissioner Jacobs feels that this committee needs two County Commissioners. He volunteered to <br />serve and asked Commissioner Brown to also serve on this committee. The two Commissioners could look at the <br />charge and make changes if needed. He suggested including a representative from the University. He said that the <br />Chapel Hill Solid Waste staff does not know what the University does with its C&D waste. <br />Chair Gordon suggested that the proposed charge, composition of the task force and timeline be <br />clarified and brought back for Board approval. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the <br />concept of creating a Construction and Demolition Recycling Task Force, to appoint Commissioners Brown and <br />Jacobs as representatives on the task force, and to bring back the charge and structure at the next meeting. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />h. Corbin Downs <br />The Board was to discuss recommendations regarding the proposed Corbin Downs development. <br />However, this item was postponed to the October 19, 1999 meeting. John Link suggested that he share a draft of <br />this report with the Town Manager for information purposes. The article will be attached with the information and a <br />cover letter. <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Report on the Ban of Inhumane Animal Traps <br />The Board heard a report on a possible ban of inhumane animal traps. <br />Albert Kittrell said that in August the Animal Protection Society submitted for review by the Health <br />Director and the Board of Health documentation banning inhumane animal traps. He said that the Board of Health <br />supports the ban on inhumane animal traps. <br />Dean Edwards, Associate Director of the APS, made this presentation. He said that leg-hold traps have <br />been banned in 88 countries, five states in the U. S., and one county in North Carolina. He said that the primary <br />concern of APS is that from two to 20 times the number of target species end up being caught in the leg-hold traps. <br />These species include endangered species, non-target fur-bearers, domestic animals, pets and livestock, and <br />humans. The trapping season is from December 1St through February 20th and there are only three people in <br />Orange County who are licensed to trap, and the financial gains from trapping are minor. He said that APS is <br />recommending that only humane traps be used. There is a provision in the proposed ordinance that would allow the <br />Animal Control Director to allow the use of the present traps if the humane traps are unsuccessful. He said that <br />there are ten local veterinarians who have joined the plea of the APS. <br />Pictures of the inhumane trappings were distributed and are in the Permanent Agenda File in the Clerk's <br />office. <br />Dean Edwards presented Heather Talent, co-chair of the Leg Hold Campaign, who collected 1,117 <br />signatures from Orange County, and 611signatures from people who live in adjacent areas proclaiming their support <br />of banning inhumane traps. She said that these signatures were collected over a very short period of time. She <br />emphasized that APS is not trying to stop trappings, they are only trying to ensure that trapping is done in a humane <br />way.
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