Orange County NC Website
Recommendations <br />• Groundwater level information should continue to be collected from the six bedrock obser- <br />vation wells which are included in Orange Well Net at this time. Currently, routine data col- <br />lection from these six wells is occurring and little, if any, further expense is needed to con- <br />tinue this process. Additional data will significantly increase the quantity of available infor- <br />mation for each of the six bedrock wells, thereby also increasing the quality and usefulness <br />of the hydrographs for each of the wells. <br />• If opportunities arise to add additional bedrock observation wells to Orange Well Net, <br />evaluation and consideration of each well should take place. The original design of the ob- <br />servation well network included bedrock observation wells in each of the nine general bed- <br />rock lithologies in Orange County. The cost to incorporate additional existing bedrock wells <br />into the well network would be relatively minor. <br />Currently, the NCDENR Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and the USGS are starting an in- <br />vestigation of the impact of biosolids on surface water and shallow groundwater conditions <br />in southern Orange County. This investigation involves the installation of several regolith <br />wells on biosolids applications fields owned by OWASA. Staff have worked with DWQ and <br />USGS personnel and have received permission to install the downhole equipment needed <br />to collect groundwater level information in three of the regolith wells involved in this study. <br />This cooperative effort should prove to be another low-cost means of collecting additional <br />groundwater level information. By deploying instrumentation in these wells, groundwater <br />level information will begin to be collected from the regolith aquifer, adding to the locally <br />available knowledge concerning groundwater in Orange County. <br />Continue to upload groundwater level information to the DWR web site. This will allow the <br />public to have access to the groundwater level information collected in Orange County at no <br />cost to either the County or to members of the public. <br />• Continue to publicize Orange Well Net where appropriate. As more groundwater level infor- <br />mation is collected, further use of the Orange Well Net data available on the DWR web site <br />should be encouraged. <br />Orange Well Net Bedrock Well <br />on Eubanks Road. <br />8 <br />