Orange County NC Website
9 <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners Page 3 May 1 S 2011 <br />For t11e-last decade, you have solidified your dedication to funduig K-12 education by allocating, at <br />minimum, 48% of the County's revenues to OCS and CHCCS. It is clear that State legislators intend to <br />make substantial reduetiolls to traditional K-12-public education funding, and both school districts face <br />massive declines in federal revenues due to stimulus Inotties going away. We would like to think that the <br />County's overall funding level for K-12 services and programs would remain stable and not decrease. In <br />accordance with Collutiissioners' -County Capital Funding Policy (i.e. the 60/40 split) in years past, when <br />debt service has decreased, funding-for capital and/or operations has increased, and likewise in years <br />when debt service increased, capital and/or operations remained either stagnant or decreased. Instead; as <br />we face the lvorst year, financially, that our district has encountered in our lifetime, the County Manager <br />has recommended an overall funding reduction. <br />As a Board; we-ask you; OAI' COUnty Ct3~I1tIrI1SS10IlerS, to filliy support-the children in our county by <br />keeping the level offunding for ccnrent ~t~e»se, capital, debt service alad fairfunrl.Ing at your 4$.1% <br />target that has seI•ved all of us so well-over the years. Without your crnttinued strong support as we face <br />State and-federal funding~•eductions of epic proportion, the children of tits Orange County School District <br />are in-dangerous peril. <br />Our Board appreciates your time altd consideration ofthese-matters, and eve optimistically look for~var-ci <br />to receiving your response. <br />Sincerely, <br />j~c' f/ <br />Ta McKnight, Chair Donna Coffey, Vice Chair <br />!pine <br />cc: Orange County Board of Education <br />Pahick Rhodes, OCS Superintendent <br />OCS PTA Council <br />