Agenda - 06-21-2011 - 8f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-21-2011
Agenda - 06-21-2011 - 8f
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Last modified
6/20/2011 2:51:28 PM
Creation date
6/20/2011 2:51:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 06-21-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
RES-2011-071 Resolution Regarding Uses of Potential Revenues from a One-Quarter (¼) Cent County Sales & Use Tax
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
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8 <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners Page 2 May 18 2©11 <br />school funding be tied to specific county revenue sources such as property taxes? <br />Needless to say, the Workgroup has not been able to find an alternative that anembers„colleetively, felt <br />would work better for all partners. Given all of the present and future uncertainties surrounding federal <br />and state funding for K-12 education, it seems premature to make changes to a -Iocal guiduig principle that <br />all parties understand and -one that has served all parties well over the last decade. <br />Along with the dire negative irnpact of federal and state funding reductions eve anticipate, our Board is <br />also deeply concerned about shrinking local capital revenues and the effect ofinereased debt ser-vice an <br />our District's already limited Iacal resources. Our concern deepened as the heard the County Manager's <br />message of caution during the Apri126, 2011 joint rneetuig with Commissioners. <br />A scheduled redttctiott itt delft service for schools in FY 2011-12 (refilurttcittg gains and paying off <br />some deGt) actually rerhrces the County Futtdittg percentage, fol• FY2011-12 from 4&. 0%-itt FY 2010- <br />11 to atr estimated 47.4%. A NOTL-.OT Cpl UTION.• Tlris is a_ tetnpora-y redaction franc the 4&.1 <br />goal. Netiv anticipated debt service for the Chapel Hi1T-CalrGoro Elenteltlary #11 project (expected <br />Ztfitlttlt a fells yeal'S) N~1ll stlT7Staltttally ittCYG'aSe the COll17ty Ftlitd111g allOCatlOH t0 edt[CQti01t. Tltat <br />il~crease in deGt sen~ice cottlcl-negatii~ely ntzpact availablo ftnzding•for cttrrettt ~rpense altd o~eratiorts <br />once the debt is incurred <br />With his statement in mind, our Board would encourage the Workgroup to look at funding ~forrnulas that <br />would offer stability as ~vellas flexibility. Examples of questions and observations our Board would ask <br />the Workgroup to explore include: <br />1. Would the funding formula/target (48.1%) be.a floor or a ceiling (i.e. the minimum or the <br />maximum)? <br />2. What specific elements would be included i-n the fiuiding formula? For ~xa~nple, the existuig <br />48. I~%o target includes current expense monies, recurring and long-range capital, debt service and <br />fair funding. Would a new formula incorporate other elements? <br />3. Would itbe possible-for the forrnula to decouple capital funding from day-to-day operations <br />expenses (such as eunent expense). <br />4. As currently wr-itten, the County's current capital funding policy allows the three en#ities to share, <br />equally, in-the repayment of debt, regardless of which entity receives the borrowed monies. Our <br />Board-has analyzed an alternative formula whereby each entity would be responsible for its own <br />debt. Would this be an alternative- formula to explore? <br />5. Would it be possible for CHCCS to dedicatee portion of its district tax to fund debt service related <br />to new school construction thereby lessening some of the burden on the County's General Fund? <br />FY 2011-12 County Managet• Recommended Fuudint= for K-I2 >Cducation <br />~'he Orange County Commissioners' long-standing dedication to K-12 education funding is a legacy <br />across the state. Because of your commitment, our schools are among the hest in the State_ We have <br />implemented programs that keep our students ni school and learning. Our district has one of the lowest <br />dropout rates in the state, and we are proud of the fact that our graduates are prepared to either enter the <br />global workforce or further their education at post-secondary schools. <br />
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