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4 <br />Commissioners'. For analyzing the proposed UDO text amendments, the following <br />information is offered: <br />^ Section 3.4 General Commercial Districts <br />The proposed amendments to Section 3.4 for the Office/Institutional (O/I) zoning district <br />are intended to provide more reasonable and effective standards of development, <br />specifically with regard to the linked land use classifications where the zoning district is <br />permitted, the intensity of development expected in those land use classifications, and <br />the potential availability of urban services. <br />In accordance with the Land Use and Zoning Matrix contained within the adopted 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan, the O/I zoning district is permitted within the Commercial <br />Transition Activity Node and the Commercial-Industrial Activity Node land use categories. <br />As stated in the definitions of these land use categories, these types of land uses are to <br />be located near major transportation routes and are intended for more intense non- <br />residential and mixed-use development. Urban services, such as water and wastewater <br />services, have been or are expected to be provided to these areas.. The proposed <br />changes to Section 3.4 for the Office/institutional zoning district are consistent with the <br />corresponding land use classifications. The modification to the purpose of the district as <br />well as the increased floor area ratio (FAR); the modified open space ratio (OSR), and the <br />amended pedestrian landscape ratio (PLR)- are more in keeping with- the intent of the <br />corresponding land uses and will permit more intense development in areas designated <br />for economic development. In addition, the acreage limitation and access requirements <br />proposed for deletion unnecessarily limit the application of this zoning district within the <br />land use classifications it is linked to. <br />^ Section 5.2 Table of Permitted Uses <br />The proposed additions and deletions to the uses permitted within the O/I zoning district <br />are consistent with the purpose of the zoning district and are intended to allow an <br />appropriate mix of uses suitable in the- areas of the county designated for more intense <br />development (i.e. the Commercial Transition Activity Nodes and Commercial-Industrial <br />Transition Activity Nodes) where the O/I zoning district can be applied.. Class 2 and Class <br />3 Office & Personal Services are proposed to be added as permitted uses, as well as <br />Assembly and Packaging Operations and Postal & Parcel Delivery Services. Lower <br />intensity residential uses not necessarily compatible with potential non-residential <br />operations are proposed for deletion as "permitted by right" within the zoning district <br />while 'Dwelling; Multiple Family' is proposed to remain as a permitted use, for mixed-use <br />application. <br />^ Article 10 Definitions <br />When evaluating the development standards for the O/I zoning district, staff discovered <br />inconsistencies between the definitions of 'Open Space Ratio' and 'Recreation Space <br />Ratio' included in Article 10 of the UDO and how those ratio standards are actually <br />applied, per Sections 6.3.3 and 6.3.5. The definitions are incorrect. The proposed <br />amendments to Article 10 correct those definitions, making them consistent with the <br />standards in Article 6 and actual practice. <br />• Comprehensive Plan Linkage (i.e. Principles, Goals and Objectives) <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />