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DRAFT EXCERPT from 5/23/2011 QPH Minutes <br />1 Commissioner Gordon asked about the effect of this change. She made reference to pages <br />2 308-309 and the transition land use categories. She asked about the ramifications of deleting the <br />3 10- and 20-year transition. <br />4 Tom Altieri said that the text definition was established in 1981 and there was a land use map <br />5 that went with the definition. The area's mapped for CITAN at that time were very small. Since <br />6 1981, CITAN areas have been expanded. It is being recommended that this be deleted from the <br />7 definition. The City of Mebane used to have 10-and 20-year transition areas when the original land <br />8 use plan was put into effect. The CITAN nodes were to be located within Mebane's 10-year <br />9 transition area, so this terminology is no longer part of what is in place today. This is meant to bring <br />10 the definition into current times and it is consistent with the way in which the land use is mapped <br />11 now. <br />12 Commissioner Gordon suggested putting some different language in so it has the <br />13 characteristics of a transition area. <br />14 Commissioner Yuhasz asked who would decide which areas are appropriate for residential <br />15 and other commercial- uses and it was answered the County Commissioners. <br />16 Commissioner Jacobs asked for more clarity. Tom Altieri said that staff can add reference to <br />17 "located near interstates, public service, and- utilities." <br />18 Commissioner Jacobs said that the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan is based on US 70 and <br />19 not the interstate. If it were going to be worded consistently, it should say, "major transportation <br />20 corridors," and not necessarily interstates. <br />21 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br />22 receive the proposal to amend the text of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan; refer the matter to the <br />23 Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be returned to the County Board of <br />24 Commissioners in time for the June 21, 2011 BOCC regular meeting; and adjourn the public <br />25 hearing until June 21, 2011 in order to receive and accept the Planning Board's. recommendation <br />26 and any submitted written comments. <br />27 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />15 <br />