Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, October is designated as National Mammography Month; and <br />WHEREAS, Friday, October 22, 1999 is designated as National Mammography Day; and <br />WHEREAS, the pink ribbon is the internationally recognized symbol of breast cancer <br />awareness; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, we the Orange County Board of Commissioners proclaim October 1999 <br />as BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH in Orange County and October 3-10,1999 as <br />PINK RIBBON WEEK in Orange County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Resolution in Support of Funding for Freedom House <br />The Board considered approving a resolution in support of funding for Freedom <br />House. <br />John Link asked that, by resolution, the Board make it clear that the County <br />Commissioners want to endorse and have the Department of Human Resources act on the <br />intent by the legislature to appropriate $100,000 specifically for Freedom House. The local <br />representatives Verla Insko and Joe Hackney sponsored this bill and the funding was <br />appropriated and sent to DHR. They have now included it in an appropriation that can actually <br />be competed for. All of the funding that was intended specifically for Freedom House is now in <br />a fund that can be competed for by other jurisdictions. He is asking that the Board make it clear <br />through this resolution that this money is earmarked for Freedom House. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to approve the resolution in support of funding for Freedom House. <br />RESOLUTION BY THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />TO SUPPORT FUNDING FOR FREEDOM HOUSE <br />WHEREAS, Freedom House is a non-profit organization that provides residential care to <br />promote recovery from the disease of addiction; and <br />WHEREAS, since 1971, Freedom House's mission has been to help those afflicted with <br />alcoholism or drug addiction by providing the tools necessary to lead a life of recovery and <br />become productive members of society; and <br />WHEREAS, alcohol and drug abuse have a direct correlation to indigence, unemployment, <br />family disease, adolescent pregnancy, school dropout rates, crime, chronic illness, and death; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, Freedom House offers detoxification programs, a short-term acute stabilization <br />program, a women's long-term residential program, and a men's long-term residential program <br />in conjunction with its LifeSkills Education Program, which looks at the full range of needs and <br />multiple life issues clients bring with them as they enter treatment, addressing recovery, <br />educational, vocational, and interpersonal skills; and <br />WHEREAS, Freedom House serves clients from Orange, Person, Chatham, as well as from <br />outside the immediate area; and <br />WHEREAS, during the past year, Freedom House served over 630 people; and