Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, Thousands of adults in Orange County are unprotected from diseases such as <br />influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia; and <br />WHEREAS, Each year, an average of 20,000 Americans die from influenza - more than 90% of <br />these persons are 65 or older. Many deaths can be prevented through vaccination; and <br />WHEREAS, Promoting a county-wide vaccination effort for the residents of Orange County will <br />reduce the number of health complications and deaths associated with these illnesses; and <br />WHEREAS, Controlling and eliminating communicable diseases are necessary to ensure that <br />our communities are healthy places in which to live; and <br />WHEREAS, Senior Vaccination Season will involve the provision of influenza and <br />pneumococcal pneumonia vaccines to persons 65 and older with Medicare Part-B through <br />community based events and encourages all immunization providers to work year-round in <br />Orange County with their communities to vaccinate adults by expanding clinic hours, increasing <br />screenings, and distributing education and promotional materials; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, we the Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaim October, <br />1999 as SENIOR VACCINATION SEASON in Orange County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. Breast Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation <br />The Board considered proclaiming October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Carey <br />to proclaim October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Orange County. <br />BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS, Governor Hunt has proclaimed October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in <br />North Carolina: and <br />WHEREAS, approximately 5,500 North Carolina women will be diagnosed with breast cancer <br />and approximately 1,300 North Carolina women will die from the disease in 1999; and <br />WHEREAS, every woman is at risk for breast cancer even if she has no family history of the <br />disease, but women over the age of 50 are at the greatest risk for being diagnosed with breast <br />cancer: and <br />WHEREAS, a mammogram is the single most effective method of detecting breast changes <br />long before physical symptoms that may be cancer can be seen or felt; and <br />WHEREAS, an estimated $70,000 to $80,000 in medical costs will be saved for every woman <br />whose breast cancer is found at an early stage rather than at the late stage; and <br />WHEREAS, community organizations, church, synagogues, and other places of worship, and <br />work sites can play a special role in educating their members or employees about breast <br />cancer: and