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disposal. When these citizens do have a need for a place to dispose of their C & D waste, he <br />does not want them to put their waste on the side of the road or go to Durham. <br />John Link suggested devoting the Board's November 9t" work session to the C & <br />D site issues. He said the staff needed at least a month to analyze these things. <br />Chair Gordon asked John Link if, in terms of the permitting or not permitting <br />process, the staff has gotten all the information together on the Eubanks Road site. <br />John Link said that he would write a very strong letter to the State asking for a <br />quick response to permitting the Eubanks Road site. <br />Gayle Wilson said that they have not made the final submission to the State <br />because they have not concluded their investigation. It will be another nine or ten days before <br />they will submit this request to the State. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she does not see this as an either/or situation of <br />not accepting C & D in the County, and asked Commissioner Carey if he sees this as a denial of <br />a site. <br />Commissioner Carey asked what the County is going to do if they do not have a <br />plan and run out of space. He just does not want to delay and have to make a decision by <br />default. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that before he makes a decision he wants to know <br />what alternative they are going to choose. His reservations about using Eubanks Road are <br />about equity issues of a neighborhood that has been impacted for nearly 30 years. He said that <br />the County Commissioners looked at the Eubanks Road site because it is easily available as <br />part of the current landfill operations and not because the citizens are not wealthy or <br />represented by an attorney. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to what Mr. Carver said, in that the Board of <br />County Commissioners has been depicted as not having done anything about the waterline to <br />the Rogers Road area. She said that there has been a continuous process of working toward <br />providing water to the Rogers Road area. There has been a lot of preliminary work done. They <br />need to figure out the financing because it is an extremely expensive project. <br />The Board then voted on Resolution "D". to not consider Eubanks Road as a C & <br />D site. <br />VOTE: AYES, 2; NOS 3 (Commissioners Carey, Gordon, and Jacobs) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to have a work session on this agenda item to include all of the concerns that have <br />been expressed, all of the alternatives to using a C&D site, the financial issues, etc. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the grant cycle closes October 29t". He askec <br />that the Board move ahead with the grant application at the next meeting. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />John Link said that he would distribute an outline of what they will include in the <br />report for the Board's input by October 6t" or 7tn <br />b. Senior Vaccination Season Proclamation <br />The Board considered proclaiming October as Senior Vaccination Season. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissionet <br />Halkiotis to proclaim October as Senior Vaccination Season. <br />SENIOR VACCINATION SEASON PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS, Governor Hunt has proclaimed October as Senior Vaccination Season in North <br />Carolina; and