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month. He would like to direct the staff to come back with possibilities of grant money from the <br />State for recycling alternatives. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that between the Town of Hillsborough and the <br />County of Orange there are 66 acres behind the Public Works building. Hillsborough already <br />has a chipping operation. He suggested looking at the feasibility of doing something on <br />property the County already owns. <br />Commissioner Brown thanked Commissioner Jacobs for supporting a work <br />session on this issue. She feels that there are other alternatives. She does not think that waste <br />should be buried. She has no problem with putting C & D in a lined landfill. She has great <br />reservations about unlined landfills. She said there are two other items she would like to <br />address at the work session; if they should go out and search for another site, what would be <br />the criteria, and obtaining a grant from the State. She does not support going out and doing <br />another search. She would like to call the question on Resolution "D". <br />Chair Gordon said they could take comments from the public at this time. <br />Mary Cline thanked the County Commissioners for listening. <br />Gary Carver asked that the Board take Eubanks Road out of consideration. He <br />feels the only reason for keeping the site at Eubanks Road is that it is the path of least <br />resistance. He said the Eubanks Road site is the neighborhood with the least political clout, the <br />least voice, and the least power. However, there is no reason for choosing Eubanks Road. It <br />has fewer acres, it has less capacity, it is not freely offered, and the water is already polluted. <br />He asked that the County Commissioners not use Eubanks Road as an interim solution. He <br />asked that they vote for Resolution "D" and keep the C & D site off Eubanks Road. Also, he <br />would like the Board to make it clear that Eubanks Road will not be used for other landfill <br />activities such as a MRF or a transfer station. <br />Chair Gordon suggested that the Board vote on the motion to reject the Guess <br />Road site from further consideration and adopt Resolution "B" as stated below: <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION INDICATING ORANGE COUNTY'S INTENTION TO <br />ELIMINATE FROM FURTHER CONSIDERATION THE DEVELOPMENT <br />OF <br />A CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION LANDFILL ON A 178 ACRE <br />PARCEL OF LAND NEAR GUESS ROAD <br />WHEREAS, the member governments of the Landfill Owners Group have for several years <br />been seeking to identify, acquire, and develop a new construction and demolition (C&D) landfill <br />site to replace the existing facility when it reaches capacity; and <br />WHEREAS, the governing boards of the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill have ceded <br />authority to the Orange County Board of Commissioners to decide whether or not to site <br />a new C&D landfill at one of two prospective sites, located near Eubanks Road and <br />Guess Road, respectively; and