Orange County NC Website
n. Forest Service Contract for 1999-2000 <br />The Board considered approving an annual agreement in the amount of $50,812 <br />or 40 percent of the total contract amount, with the N. C. Department of Natural Resources and <br />Community Development in support of the N. C. Forest Service in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs mentioned that the Board has previously discussed open <br />burning. <br />Rod Visser said that the Forest Service has an interest in whatever the County <br />adopts as workable. They are interested in working with the County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked that the Forest Service let the Board know of <br />permits for large burning projects. <br />The Forest Service will report back on burn permits and how they keep track of <br />these permits. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Jacobs to approve and authorize the Chair to sign an annual agreement in the amount of <br />$50,812 or 40 percent of the total contract amount, with the N. C. Department of Natural <br />Resources and Community Development in support of the N. C. Forest Service in Orange <br />County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. New Assistant to the Manaaer Position <br />The Board considered establishing the new position of Assistant to the Manager <br />in the County Manager's office and amending the Orange County classification and pay plan to <br />include the new class of Assistant to the Manager at salary grade 72. <br />John Link made a presentation about this position. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis clarified that this is being done because the Board <br />decided that once solid waste management in Orange County is assumed that additional staff <br />would be given to the Manager's office. He has a problem with the block where the Assistant <br />County Manager is listed. He would like to see this box placed at the top with a linkage. This <br />person needs to be someone who has a relationship with Rod Visser the way Paul Thames has <br />a relationship with the Manager. He is worried when he sees solid waste at the bottom. <br />Rod Visser said that because this is listed at the bottom does not mean in any <br />way that this function is less important. <br />Chair Gordon wants this person's salary to come from the Landfill Enterprise <br />Fund. <br />John Link said that there would be an assessment of the direct and indirect fees <br />that will be charged to the Landfill Fund. <br />Commissioner Brown stated that the purpose of hiring this person is to take a lot <br />of the work off of Rod Visser because he will be assuming solid waste management. <br />Rod Visser said that this position would be evolving over time with more and <br />more of his present duties being done by this position. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner <br />Jacobs to establish the new position of Assistant to the Manager in the County Manager's office <br />and to amend the Orange County classification and pay plan to include the new class of <br />Assistant to the Manager at salary grade 72. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Text Amendments - Flexible Development Provisions <br />The Board was to consider the proposed text amendments to provisions in the <br />subdivision regulations and zoning ordinance for flexible development, but this item was <br />delayed to a future meeting.