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Geoffrey Gledhill said that there are some responsibilities stipulated by the State <br />that are mandated to the local Health departments. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that it seems to him that Commissioner Brown has <br />identified a gray area that the Board needs to bring to Hillsborough's attention, especially if it is <br />going to grow by leaps and bounds. Hillsborough needs to take responsibility and provide these <br />services for their citizens. <br />John Link asked that Rosie Summers provide to the Board an historical <br />perspective of the animal control process. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the micro chipping program. <br />Dean Edwards, Associate Director of the APS, said it is a small particle as small <br />as a grain of rice. It is for identifying the animal's owner. The cost is $15.00. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner <br />Jacobs to raise APS shelter adoption and board fees from $75 to $99 for dogs, and from $49 to <br />$75 for cats. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Orange EMS and Rescue Squad Contract -Ambulance Transport Service <br />The Board considered extending its contract with Orange EMS and Rescue for <br />ambulance transportation services through September 30, 1999. <br />Commissioner Jacobs brought to the Board's attention that the Advisory Board <br />on Aging has brought up some concerns about the wording in the ambulance bills. He feels the <br />County could do a better job of letting people know they are willing to work with them. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br />Brown to approve extending the County's contract with Orange EMS and Rescue for ambulance <br />transportation services through September 30, 1999. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if there was any legal action taken against the <br />people who do not pay the ambulance bills. <br />Geof Gledhill said that there is no lien created for these fees. <br />Commissioner Brown would like to see the language changed on this. The staff <br />will bring back a recommendation. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />L Petition for Addition - Poplar Drive (Ext. of S. R. 1405 in Cheeks Township <br />The Board considered a petition to add Poplar Drive (Ext. of S. R. 1405) in <br />Cheeks Township to the NCDOT state-maintained secondary road system. <br />k. Petition for Addition -Wood Sage Drive in Chapel Hill Township <br />The Board considered a petition to add Wood Sage Drive in Chapel Hill <br />Township to the NCDOT state-maintained secondary road system. <br />1. Petition for Addition - Joyce Road and Ann Road (Ext. of S. R. 1598) <br />in Hillsborough Township <br />The Board considered a petition to add Joyce Road and Ann Road (Ext. of S. R. <br />1598) in Hillsborough Township to the NCDOT state-maintained secondary road system. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked questions about these roads. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict said that these are older roads which have <br />been brought up to DOT standards. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey, to approve a petition to add Poplar Drive (Ext. of S. R. 1405) in Cheeks Township, Wood <br />Sage Drive in Chapel Hill Township, and Joyce and Ann Roads (Ext. of S. R. 1598) to the <br />NCDOT state-maintained secondary road system. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS