Orange County NC Website
13 <br />Principle 3B: Promotion of Both Air Quality Protection and the Development of <br />an Effective Transportation System <br />Transportation Overarching Goal• An efficient and balanced transportation <br />system that uses multiple motorized and nonmotorized modes of transportation <br />and for which. the planning, design, and implementation will be guided by the <br />following ovErarching qualities <br />C. Encourages sustainable economic development <br />Objective T-3.2: Create and implement an Orange County Comprehensive <br />Transportation Plan that provides the framework for a comprehensive and <br />connected transportation system supporting a mix of all transportation modes, <br />including sidewalks and bicycle facilities, bus and rail transit facilities, and <br />highways. <br />Objective T-4.2: Plan and integrate the County's multi-modal transportation <br />routes and services with regional transportation agencies and transit service <br />providers, agencies and transit providers. in neighboring counties, the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation, Amtrak, and the North Carolina Railroad. <br />Principal 7: Promotion of Economic Prosperity and Diversity <br />Economic Development (ED) Overarching Goal- Viable and sustainable <br />economic development that contributes to-both property and sales tax reve <br />Objective ED-1.5: Identify barriers to development of desirable businesses and <br />local businesses, and mitigate these barriers. <br />• New Statutes and Rules <br />N/A <br />D. PROCESS <br />C.1 TIMEFRAME/MILESTONES/QEADLINES (See Attachment 1) <br />a. Setting of a Quarterly Public Hearing date and remaining on target <br />b. BOCC updates/checkpoints <br />August 23, 2011, BOCC holds public hearing regarding the Efland- <br />Buckhorn-Mebane Commercial Industrial Transition Activity Nodes and <br />Economic Development Zones Access Management Plan and directs staff <br />how to proceed. <br />C.2 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM <br />Mission/Scope Public Hearing process consistent with NC State Statutes and <br />Orange County ordinance requirements <br />Midpoint (Rough Draft) <br />Final Draft <br />