Orange County NC Website
Darlene Yates said that she has a concern with residential wells because they are close to the site. She <br />talked about the cost of this site. She urged the County Commissioners to walk the land they intend to use <br />for the landfill so they could see how it floods. <br />Jonathan Nettles told about the negatives which are created by a C&D site. He also talked about <br />transportation and the problems created by increased traffic. <br />Angelika Hanger talked about the hazardous conditions on Guess Road. <br />Kate Dixon, Triangle Land Conservancy, talked about an opportunity for protection of open space. She <br />said that Durham County has expressed an interest in purchasing the adjacent 370 acres. TLC is very <br />interested in working with both counties on this project. <br />Tim Ferguson said that he is surprised that this process has gone this far. The property is a beautiful <br />site and would make a wonderful park for Durham and Orange Counties. He asked if it is correct that the <br />Board needs to make a decision by the end of September and that was confirmed. He feels that this site is <br />bad and that the County Commissioners need to find another site. <br />Marv Cline said that she is opposed to the siting of a C&D disposal site on the Little River. She reminded <br />the Board of the dangers that this plan presents. She said that there are three schools on Guess roads with <br />school buses. She submitted a three-page letter which is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office. <br />Joyce Grey said that she lives on Guess Road. The traffic on Guess Road already makes this a <br />dangerous road. She said that 90 trucks a day means 10 additional trucks an hour all day long. <br />Jay Zaragoza said that he feels that the Guess Road site would be a good regional landfill. <br />Pete Schubert works for the United States EPA in the Research Triangle Park which is under <br />construction. He takes exception to what the engineers said in their report. He talked about commitments to <br />reduce the waste. <br />Ben Martin spoke for his wife Emily Martin. He said that 40% of the traffic accidents on Guess road were <br />caused from slow or stopped vehicles. He gave some other statistics about the dangers on that road. <br />Anne Stoddard said that the Chamber does not advocate for one site or another but does feel that there <br />needs to be a site in Orange County. She asked that the County Commissioners make a responsible <br />decision. <br />Rick Kennedy said that he lives near the current landfill. This is about something that no one wants. <br />Just because the Guess Road site is a bad site, it doesn't make the Eubanks road a good site. Eubanks <br />Road is not the best site. The landfill community wants safe water. He feels that the burden to take care of <br />C&D should be shared with other parts of the County. He feels that the County Commissioners need to find <br />another solution. <br />Cindy Davis read a prepared statement. She talked about contaminates from groundwater <br />contamination. She asked the County Commissioners to reconsider and not put this site on Guess Road. <br />Garry Carver said that they have had 25 years of these hearings and it has always been Eubanks Road <br />versus another site. These sites are not similar. The Board does have a choice. He made comparisons <br />between the two sites. He said that he feels the landfill is in an area that is predominately black and poor. <br />Fred Davidson said that he recently purchased a home in Orange County but did not drive north enough <br />to see the signs posted. He does not feel it makes sense to put a dump on the Little River. He only imagines <br />that this room is not filled with people from Durham County because it was not well publicized. He said that