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proceed would be related to further evaluation of either the Eubanks Road site or the Guess Road site, <br />and/or to provide direction to staff to exercise the option to purchase the Guess Road site. No final decision <br />to site a C&D landfill at either the Eubanks Road or Guess Road sites will be made until necessary <br />procedural requirements have been satisfied. <br />PUBLIC CHARGE <br />Commissioner Gordon read the public charge. <br />Opening Remarks from Gavle Wilson <br />Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Management Director, gave an overview of the site search process. He said <br />that the Landfill Owners Group began discussions regarding property acquisition for the management of <br />Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste materials in 1996. Staff conducted a preliminary review, including <br />site visits, on twenty-five sites within the past two years. A C&D Site Search Task Force was created by the <br />LOG in December 1998 to guide the search process. Two final candidate sites have resulted from the search <br />process. <br />r Eubanks Road Site Size - 32.7 acres (Capacity -14 years) <br />? Guess Road Site Size -179 acres (Capacity - 62 years) <br />Presentation from Joyce Engineering <br />Jan McHargue, P.E., Joyce Engineering, Inc. made a presentation. She presented information about <br />the siting criteria, operational issues, transportation issues and watershed and groundwater protection. <br />Written responses to public questions received from speakers at the Orange County Board of County <br />Commissioners meeting held on September 7, 1999 on proposed C&D landfill sites were distributed to all in <br />attendance. <br />The public hearing was open for citizen comments: <br />Robert Fletcher introduced Dr. Zibegniew Kabala, Ph.D., P.E. Department of Civil and Environmental <br />Engineering, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Dr. Kabala said that the citizens in the Little River <br />community asked him to look at the engineering report and make comments. He covered the following areas <br />in his presentation: <br />? Nature of subsurface environments <br />? The extent of the required hydrologic characterization <br />? The size of the proposed Landfill <br />? The extent of the conducted hydrologic characterization <br />? Problems with the conducted hydrologic characterization <br />? Required hydrologic characterization - Revisited <br />? Conclusions <br />Note: A copy of Dr. Kabala's presentation is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office. <br />John Karatz made comments about the importance of protecting the water supply. <br />Kathy Ebensol read a prepared statement against citing a C&D facility on Guess Road. <br />Jean Dunne talked about the impact of transportation issues. She distributed a map comparing the <br />proposed route to the probable route. The chart also showed the roadway design capacity per Joyce <br />Engineering of NC 57, New Sharon Church Road and Guess Road. Dunne used a large map to show the <br />route that is proposed which would be 33 miles from Chapel Hill. <br />Ben Martin talked about how dangerous Guess Road really is. He said that there have been three <br />deaths on this road because of the curves and hills on this road.