Minutes - 19990914
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19990914
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8/14/2008 1:04:17 PM
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8/13/2008 1:43:12 PM
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Agenda - 09-14-1999
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A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to amend the regular meeting schedule to change the location for September <br />21St to the courtroom in Hillsborough which will be continued to September 291h, and to <br />change the purpose of the September 301h meeting to a work session. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Gordon will decide tomorrow (September 15th) at noon whether or not the <br />meeting for that night will be canceled. <br />1. Court Issues.: Update and Approval of Master Plan of Hillsborough Court <br />Campus Site <br />Purchasing Director Pam Jones made a presentation. In summary, she reported <br />on the last five years, what has been done and what needs to be done regarding the <br />Hillsborough Court Campus Site. The Board has been requested to consider two items. <br />The first item is to endorse the security enhancement measures at the Hillsborough <br />Court facility. The second item is to authorize the Manager's negotiated contract to look <br />at a site master plan of the Hillsborough campus. She summarized the Justice Facilities <br />Study Committee report of July 1995. After the two new facilities were opened, the <br />Board charged a second group of people to look at the report and to determine if the <br />findings were still valid, and to look at the impact of the two new facilities. The group <br />found that there had been some relief provided by the new additions, but the increasing <br />caseload in the court system was still requiring urgency for long term development of <br />court facilities. At the same time that the validation committee was bringing forward their <br />conclusions, the incident happened in which the young lady was assaulted. The <br />Security Committee, which included court officials, County Commissioners, and County <br />staff, had a meeting to talk about security issues at that point. She summarized the <br />suggestions for enhanced security that were brought up at the meeting. One of the main <br />goals for security was to provide a single point of entry to the Courthouse with a security <br />checkpoint. There were several options for additions to the Court campus. She <br />summarized the goals of the site plan. The cost of the master plan would be <br />approximately $12,000, and would take six weeks to complete. She summarized the <br />needs of the Chapel Hill court system. The lease cost for the Chapel Hill court system <br />for fiscal year 1999-2000 will be $90,000 or more. She summarized the scope of study <br />for the proposed site master plan. <br />Judge Wade Barber said he really appreciated the emphasis on planning. He <br />talked about how the Old Courthouse is being used. He said that the present <br />courthouse is highly utilized and things are working out well. He appreciates what the <br />County has done in that regard. In his office they have implemented a civil case <br />management schedule which is working extremely well. In January he and Carl Fox will <br />implement a criminal case management plan which will help with decreasing the <br />caseload. He agrees that the County needs to do a comprehensive plan. He also feels <br />that security needs to be addressed. He appreciates the two deputies in the courthouse <br />at this time. He feels that placing the deputies outside the courthouse is the most <br />important thing that could be done at this time regarding security. This is also the most <br />economical thing they could do at this point. He thinks the security checkpoints will <br />require a lot of long-range planning and facilities. He feels the Courthouse needs <br />additional waiting areas. People are standing in the hallways at this time. He feels the <br />County is on the right track in developing a long-range plan. <br />Judge Joe Buckner supports making a good long-range plan for meeting Orange <br />County's court needs. They are committed to using all of their resources. He has <br />moved high volume court to the end of the week to manage parking facilities. They are
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