Minutes - 19990908
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19990908
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8/14/2008 1:04:57 PM
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8/13/2008 1:43:06 PM
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input in this area. The Town does expect that the pods will be sold to individual developers. They will be held to <br />this development plan. This development is not in a designated watershed so there is not an impervious surface <br />limit. The development will comply with, at site plan level, setbacks and impervious surface limits that are existing <br />in the ordinances as well as the Upper Neuse Basin requirements. Construction of the buildings will be established <br />at site plan level and that will be enforced. Tree preservation and signs will also be addressed during the individual <br />pod developments. The Town does not have a comparable major transportation corridor overlay district, however, <br />the EDD does address visibility and provides for a 100-foot interstate buffer. The mixture of land uses is shown so it <br />can be seen how it interacts with the ordinance. The development can not be predominantly one use. The whole <br />point of the ordinance is to provide for mixed uses. <br />5. GROUP DISCUSSION AND QUESTIONS <br />Frances Dancy said that she is worried about the two years of deficits. She asked if there was any help <br />available since the Town has a very tight budget. Mr. Elam said that this is something they will explore with the <br />Town Manager. He feels they can work on this together. <br />Rick Kennedy said that he feels there is an advantage in talking with one person instead of a number of <br />persons with a number of developments. He expressed concern about the low number of students predicted for <br />such a large number of housing units. He feels the number of students would be at least.6 per housing unit. He <br />said the middle school was the priority right now. <br />Mr. Elam said that he has recent information on students generated per household that he will share with <br />the Orange County schools. They used national statistics that they found with the Urban Land Institute and with <br />different agencies of North Carolina. They have done a lot of high-density apartments, and the way they are <br />designed they really do not generate the school children that one would typically expect. <br />David Kolbinsky said that he appreciates the sensitivity of increased students. They are already concerned <br />about the traffic on Old 86 and the corridor between 1-40 and 1-85. <br />Brenda Stephens asked how the development came up with an additional $100 for the impact fee. Mr. <br />Elam said they were looking at possibly donating a school site, and they looked at what the total acreage of the <br />school site would be. He said that if they need to work on a middle school site, they would. Based on the acreage, <br />what the site would be worth, and the total number of units, they felt that to add $100 to the impact fee would be a <br />fair amount. <br />Richard Simpson said that he likes that he has something to think about. <br />Ken Chavious said that he appreciates that Mr. Elam has been willing to work with them. He feels it is time <br />that the Town and County officials take charge of their community. The Town and County are not trying to jump <br />down the developers' throat; it is just a matter of being in control of the community. He asked Mr. Elam about the <br />road property and Mr. Elam said that they only own parcels on Old 86. He said that he appreciates the ones who <br />have presented facts about this project. <br />Barry Jacobs asked questions and asked that they be answered at another time. He congratulated this <br />developer for presenting an integrated design. <br />1. How many millions of gallons of water a day will the development use? <br />2. How many people per use are projected and how many trips per day per use are <br />projected? <br />3. What is the exact acreage of the property? (He has seen three different numbers) <br />4. Does the EDD require a certain % of commercial vs, residential development? <br />5. The impact on the entrance to 1-40 going to RTP will be tremendous. This is not <br />addressed. <br />6. The cross-section of Old 86 should be developed, and the buffer should be added. <br />7. Internal turn lanes should be added. <br />8. Look at putting some retail where the apartments are, so pedestrians do not have to cross the street. <br />9. There should be limited access to Old 86; there is an extra access point. <br />10. He is concerned about the open space with a lack of specificity. There should be a targeted percentage of <br />open space, particularly so the vegetation and hardwoods are protected. <br />11. He would like to see how the payment in lieu system would apply to this project. <br />12. Is the impact fee $100 above the current one? If the impact fee goes up, is it still $100 beyond what's <br />required? <br />13. He would like to see Affordable Housing considered. <br />14. He would like to see the staff investigate the track record of this particular developer on projected build out. <br />15. Orange County Board of Commissioners has been strong in their opposition to open burning. They hope <br />to get Hillsborough and this developer to work on this.
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