Orange County NC Website
:~ til T <br />In return for this funding you will agree to: <br />1. Cooperate with FacilityDude to get your account implemented and functional within the first <br />120 days of signing this agreement. If your account is not implemented in the first 120 days, <br />FacilityDude will credit Johnson Controls Inc. the full amount and invoice you directly. <br />2. To allow FacilityDude to provide Johnson Controls Inc.: <br />a. Branding and ad space on your login and web pages. <br />b. Access to your data for anonymous use in their research programs. Any information <br />that can be used to identify the account will be removed prior to submission in the <br />research program. <br />c. Access to your data for presenting energy saving ideas and opportunities to you that <br />are specific to your operations. <br />3. To allow Johnson Controls Inc. the opportunity to provide you: <br />a. Energy audits and reports <br />b. Energy savings ideas and proposals <br />,,:, <br />