Minutes - 19990907
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19990907
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8/14/2008 1:06:01 PM
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8/13/2008 1:42:58 PM
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Agenda - 09-07-1999
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1999\Agenda - 09-07-1999
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10. REPORTS <br />a. Joint Master Recreation and Parks Report <br />The Board received a report of the Joint Master Recreation and Parks Master Plan Work <br />Group. Commissioner Brown summarized the process to date. A task force was created in November <br />1997 with a countywide citizens group for a bond package. The bond issue included schools, affordable <br />housing, and parks. There was representation of all interested parties within the County on the task <br />force, and considerable efforts were made to address the present and future needs. Environment and <br />Resource Conservation Director David Stancil was introduced to further address this issue. <br />Mr. Stancil stated that the group spent time establishing criteria for land acquisition for <br />different park needs within separate areas of the County. Two (2) common themes were to meet <br />multiple goals and to preserve natural resources. The possibility of linking town parks and greenways to <br />a regional system was explored. However, the towns do not have much room left to grow. The plan is to <br />have the new Resource Manager identify sites and needs for long-term acquisitions. Plans for the <br />Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro are limited. There are nine (9) recommendations from the work <br />group: <br />1. Create a Parks and Resource Lands Council. <br />2. Create inter-jurisdictional standards. <br />3. Coordinate joint siting, design, and management of school and park sites. <br />4. Develop public and private partnerships. <br />5. Initiate joint capital facilities planning and coordinated land acquisition. <br />6. Create an open facilities policy so all citizens have access, without fees that might <br />restrict usage. <br />7. Payment-in-lieu changes as existing programs are not likely to produce sufficient <br />funding for long-term needs. Mr. Stancil stated this was the best tool for raising funds. County Attorney <br />Geoffrey Gledhill stated that Orange County has special legislation for their payment-in-lieu regulations, <br />which allows them more flexibility in the use of these funds. <br />8. Address current needs. <br />9. Develop plans for use of current funds and future funding needs. <br />Mr. Stancil emphasized that at the present rate of acquisition, the County will have a <br />deficit of 645 acres of parks in Year 2000, and a 1,265-acre deficit by Year 2025. As the cost of county <br />land is only going to continue to rise, long-term acquisitions should be done now as "land banking", but <br />for development at a later date. In this manner, we will address the needs of the next generation for 20 <br />years to build the necessary parks and recreation areas to meet projected needs. <br />Commissioner Carey commended the group's work but expressed concern that there may <br />exist overlapping committees and commissions and Commissioner Chair Gordon also commended the <br />work groups and said she felt that it was an excellent report. She noted that she and Commissioner <br />Brown had discussed the report, and had clarified that since any long-term group would be dealing with <br />parks, it would be called the `Parks Council'; the Commissioners agreed. Chair Gordon suggested <br />referring the Joint Master Recreation and Parks Report to Orange County's relevant advisory boards, <br />and asking them to give particular attention to the criteria for siting parks. The report will be referred to <br />the Recreation and Parks Advisory Council, Commission for the Environment, Agricultural Districts <br />Advisory Board, Historic Preservation Commission and the Orange County Planning Board. <br />Chair Gordon suggested referring this q_sue to the Advisory Board- to riptprmwnp wh*r-h anrnmoUpps nnd <br />s will be assigned what duties in pursuing the creation of parks and recreation areas. <br />Mr. Stancil stated that he had made the same presentation to the Town of Carrboro and <br />received a very positive reaction. Commissioner Halkiotis questioned if there is a consensus within the <br />governments as to creating one countywide parks and recreation department. Commissioner Brown <br />stated that such a department would have a difficult job managing so many varied locations and needs. <br />Manager Link stated, however, that it is in everyone's best interests to come together in planning and <br />action. Commissioner Brown stated that since the park bond was passed, seven (7) new multipurpose <br />playing fields have been established.
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