Minutes - 19990907
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19990907
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8/14/2008 1:06:01 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:42:58 PM
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Agenda - 09-07-1999
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1999\Agenda - 09-07-1999
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Commissioner Carey noted that both sites are near watef are in watersheds, but one has <br />a longer travel time to reach the w *tershed intake sites to affect local drinking water. Ms. McCarr stated <br />that the Guess Road site was indeed closer. <br />Commissioner Brown had questions regarding the schedule and whether this <br />presentation would be made to the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Mr. Wilson stated that if the <br />towns do not cede authority, his staff and the consultants will be pleased to make the same presentation <br />as soon as the towns express their interest. He further stated that the citizenry would be notified via <br />extensive mailing lists for both sites. Commissioner Brown also questioned the location of monitoring <br />wells at the Eubanks Road site. Mr. Bateson clarified that there is indeed a sufficient monitoring network <br />set up at both sites, but the graphic illustration was inadvertently left off of the Eubanks Road site map. <br />Commissioner Brown also addressed the issue of increased traffic volumes, with no increase being <br />shown at the Eubanks Road site, but an increase of 90+ vehicles per day at the Guess Road site. She <br />stated that while the number may not exceed the design capacities of the roads, there is also an <br />important quality of life issue in that the vehicles will likely be large trucks near residential neighborhoods, <br />causing additional emissions and noise. <br />Commissioner Jacobs requested further information on potential improvements that would <br />be required at each site, including the costs and the life of each site based on some percentage of <br />recycling. With reference to the Eubanks Road site, he stated he had spoken with Duke Forest <br />personnel, who have given their permission to use their land as a buffer. Commissioner Jacobs also <br />requested that the long and short versions of all reports be sent to the Durham County Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />Chair Gordon questioned the consultants as to the meaning of the blue lines on the <br />graphics for each site. Mr. Bateson explained that these lines denoted tributaries and/or rivers in the <br />area. <br />Commissioner Brown asked the impact of digging on a creek located at the Eubanks <br />Road site. Ms. McGarr stated that .9 acres represent wetlands that would not be disturbed. <br />4. Public Comments from the Audience: <br />Mr. Tom Campbell expressed confusion as to transportation routes to be used and <br />questioned the mileage on each of the two (2) routes. Ms. McCarr stated she would obtain and provide <br />the requested information. Mr. Campbell also questioned if both routes were paved. Ms. McCarr stated <br />that Lawrence Road over the Eno River is not paved. Mr. Campbell further stated that Mr. Wilson at a <br />prior meeting had spoken of a third route, using Highway 15-501 and Interstate 85, and that he would <br />also like to know the mileage of this route. He noted that the shortest route, using Highway 15-501 and <br />Interstate 85, has very serious capacity problems. <br />Mr. Robert Fletcher sought clarification of the mile-per-hour rating at Guess Road, <br />as to whether it was 55mph. He also questioned where the trucks would be turning, as well as the <br />mileage involved. Mr. Fletcher stated that he believed the Durham County Board of Commissioners had <br />requested an independent assessment. Manager Link stated he had not seen such a request. Mr. <br />Wilson stated that Durham City had requested a copy of the engineering report and it had been <br />provided. Just prior to the end of the time limit, Mr. Fletcher asked if there was any conflict of interest <br />with Joyce Engineering as to economic benefit through ongoing fees and/or work based on site <br />selection. <br />Chair Gordon thanked the citizens for attending the meeting. Commissioner <br />Jacobs asked how the landfill was to be funded. Manager Link explained that the Landfill Owner's Group <br />collects fees from users of landfills and these funds would be utilized, rather than any county or town <br />revenues. Commissioner Brown emphasized that she wanted to ensure Mr. Fletcher's final question <br />regarding Joyce Engineering is adequately answered at the September 16, 1999, public hearing. <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />0 a. Public Hearing/Decision on Utility Extension Fund Agreement <br />1. The Board of County Commissioners considered approval of the proposed utility <br />extension fund agreement in the amount of $50,000.00 between Orange County and Barber and Ross
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