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the next day it had been taken off. He is concerned about the dangers that may be present on this property. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there would be a meeting of the Fairview Park Group on August 31 S', and they will <br />get a report from the County Engineer for issuing an RFP to do the necessary testing of this property. He explained that <br />Mayor Horace Johnson's name disappeared from the Certificate of Liability because he felt that it was inappropriate to <br />have his name listed since the County owns the property. He thinks it was a question of confusion. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis still thinks the Mayor's name disappearing was very inappropriate, and he would like the <br />Mayor to explain to him the reasoning behind it. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the Creekwood subdivision and school district lines. The developers <br />and the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools think that this development is totally within the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City <br />Schools district. He asked that this issue be totally explained at the joint meeting the County Commissioners will have <br />with the two school districts. He wants a full explanation of this issue. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis presented a root beer bottle. He said that he is not going to attend any more state <br />meetings where the mentality is that bottles do not contribute that much to the landfill. The state indicated that <br />composting was not what should be done. The state will not take the initiative to do anything. He suggested setting up <br />a legislative subcommittee to lobby for a bottle bill. He feels the Board needs to be more active with the legislators. He <br />suggested that he and Commissioner Jacobs work on these hot issues. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that Pam Jones and he have been meeting with the judges on how to provide <br />security for the courthouse. He encouraged the Board to have Pam and John Link to bring back a report on how visitors <br />to the courthouse can be protected. He said there are many clients and lots of traffic, and there are some security <br />issues that need to be bolstered. <br />Commissioner Brown said that Commissioner Carey and she attended the National County Commissioner <br />Association meeting in St. Louis. She attended several sessions on Welfare Reform, Job Training, and Job Link. <br />There were several presentations on Land Use Preservation techniques. She told about the rail system in St. Louis. <br />She said this system really serves the transportation needs of St. Louis. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the North Carolina TANF housing program and said that the County can <br />apply for money for affordable housing. She said the Board needs to move ahead now because the application needs <br />to be sent in about six weeks. She asked if the County staff could work with those organizations that may be involved <br />with affordable housing. There was a consensus from the Board for the staff to work with affordable housing <br />organizations. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the Youth Committee Report that came to the Social Services Board today, <br />which was initiated by Chapel Hill, and addresses the homeless children in the County. She pointed out that many of <br />the recommendations have to do with the County. <br />John Link said the report would be coming forward at a later meeting. <br />Chair Gordon added her congratulations to Geoffrey Gledhill and Beverly A. Blythe. She does feel that it is <br />important to get a report on legislative issues that were submitted for this session. On Fairview Park, she feels the <br />Board should seriously consider turning over the land to the Town of Hillsborough. The IFC feels they will be able to <br />find a temporary site for the homeless shelter. There is a committee that will set criteria for a future site for the <br />homeless shelter. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />John Link said that during the budget process, the Board of County Commissioners authorized additional hours for <br />the solid waste convenience centers. He outlined the publicity forgetting this information out to the public. <br />Commissioner Brown said the committee met to work on the inserts for the tax bills, and this project was <br />completed. <br />5. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />a. Proclamation of September as United Way Month <br />The Board considered proclaiming September 1999 as United Way Month. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve and <br />authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation as stated below: <br />PROCLAMATION OF SEPTEMBER, 1999 AS UNITED WAY MONTH <br />WHEREAS, it is the mission of the Triangle United Way to "increase the organized capacity of people to care for one <br />another and <br />WHEREAS, United Way funds health and human service programs in 27 Orange County organizations; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County residents generously support the United Way Campaign to meet the needs of their <br />neighbors, and