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Commissioner Jacobs said that he wanted to flag this issue because the facility has <br /> been removed. He wants some kind of physical presence in northern Orange County. He <br /> does not want to lose the concept of having something in this area, especially if this building is <br /> going to be removed. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger agreed with Commissioner Jacobs about adding a <br /> placeholder for a plan for future services in the northern end of the County. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said to revisit this after the library report comes back. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to Bingham Park on page 26 and if the <br /> assumption was that the land acquisition would be separate from the park so that it is part of <br /> Lands Legacy. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 32 and said that there is a detailed <br /> description of the Millhouse Park, including the joint project with the Town of Chapel Hill and <br /> he does not recall that the Board of County Commissioners has discussed any of this. He <br /> asked where this came from and why it is in here. <br /> Dave Stancil said that there have been discussions at the staff level with the Town <br /> about the possibility of a joint venture. The Board has not discussed this yet. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 35 and the NE District Park. He said <br /> that staff had a pre-concept plan and there is nothing about this in the document. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked that there be an indication of whether the Board has <br /> discussed these items or not and when it is just the vision of the staff. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 40 and asked why the County is still <br /> involved with Lake Orange. He would like to revisit this. <br /> Frank Clifton said that there are a lot of projects and a lot of activities and economic <br /> development is the top priority now. He would like to solve this problem now, but this will be a <br /> fairly involved political discussion. It is a backup water source for the Town of Hillsborough. <br /> Commissioner McKee arrived at 8:05 p.m. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that the Board has never discussed this issue and she would prefer <br /> to focus on the bigger economic development issues. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested adding this to the next joint meeting with Hillsborough <br /> next year. <br /> Commissioner Foushee verified that what has been discussed tonight does not indicate <br /> a change in this CIP and all agreed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 17 and said that she thought there was <br /> agreement to add a dental clinic. Instead of saying "possible" dental clinic, it should say, <br /> "including a dental clinic." <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she was thinking there would be a public hearing on <br /> this CIP. Chair Pelissier said that this is usually included in the budget public hearings. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks it might be a good idea to have a separate <br /> public hearing for the CIP. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that since they are only doing year one of the CIP, he does <br /> not see the benefit of having a separate public hearing. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked if anyone else wanted a separate public hearing on the CIP and <br /> no one agreed. Chair Pelissier said that the CIP and the budget will be in the budget public <br /> hearing. <br /> Discussion ensued about the separate issues of the CIP and the budget. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the jail improvements. Michael Talbert said that <br /> there is an existing jail project that shows the amount of money set aside years ago for 20 <br />