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A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />reappoint Robert Strayhorn to the Orange County Planning Board for a term ending March 31, 2002.® <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. Solid Waste Management Interlocal Agreement (All documents referred to are in the <br />Permanent Agenda File in the Clerk's Office) <br />The Board considered approval of an interlocal agreement between the County and the <br />Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough, that would govern the future structure of solid waste <br />management in Orange County. County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill summarized the changes made to this <br />agreement since the previous meeting. <br />At the June 15, 1999 meeting, the Board discussed concerns with several aspects of the <br />Town of Chapel Hill's reaction to the June 1, 1999 version of the draft solid waste management interlocal <br />agreement. Due to time constraints, the County Commissioners did not complete its review and discussion <br />of the agreement. The Board's concerns, as well as reaction to portions of the June 1, 1999 draft from the <br />Chapel Hill and Carrboro governing boards, have been summarized in a memorandum from Attorney Bob <br />Jessup. <br />Mayor Waldorf of Chapel Hill sent a letter which transmitted a resolution adopted at the June <br />21, 1999 meeting of the Chapel Hill Town Council. This resolution modifies the Town's previous position <br />regarding the disposition of the Greene Tract. The Board reviewed Chapel Hill's resolution and considered <br />any modifications that may be necessary as a basis for the Chair to sign the interlocal agreement with <br />Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough. Draft suggested amendments to the current version of the <br />interlocal agreement will be prepared and are intended to allay any remaining Board concerns about the <br />disposition of the Greene Tract, and other issues not previously addressed by the Board. These <br />amendments will be circulated for the Board's consideration during the first part of the week of June 28, <br />1999. <br />The financial impact for Orange County, by adoption of the interlocal agreement, will affect <br />the administration of solid waste operations and the Landfill Enterprise Fund. However, it will have no direct <br />impact on the County General Fund, which will not be a source of underwriting for overall solid waste <br />management operations. Those will continue to be fully financed by the Landfill Enterprise Fund. <br />The Manager recommends that the Board approve the interlocal agreement, subject to any <br />required modifications and review by the County Attorney, and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the <br />Board of County Commissioners. <br />The Board agreed by consensus to add on page one of the agreement what was underlined <br />on the draft, and on page 18, the definition of solid waste management plan, and on page one, policy in <br />bold and underscored language. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to accept <br />the corrections and/or additions mentioned above. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />On page 3, the effective date addresses a concern about the resolution of the Greene Tract <br />and also addresses the boundaries of the Greene Tract that would be available for solid waste use. <br />Attorney Gledhill stated that the effective date links to the agreement and the County taking over the solid <br />waste management responsibilities with the change in zoning. A substantial amount of time will be required <br />to complete the objective on a timely basis. The objective states that the County staff and Chapel Hill staff <br />will have six (6) months to complete the transition, and all other activities hinge on that date. <br />Commissioner Jacobs questioned why the Board would not separate the boundary language <br />about contract zoning, since these are two (2) separate issues. <br />Attorney Gledhill stated that the County is not approaching this as contract zoning and that <br />the key is that the Board is not willing to take over solid waste management unless Chapel Hill is willing to <br />zone the necessary 60 acres. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked what conditions the Board has set. Attorney Gledhill stated that <br />there are three (3) items desired: two (2) conditions and the requisite time to get ready. This is a