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Town of Hillsborough in assessing the impact of this project, and stated that this would be an opportunity to <br />work together on considering the project. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Brown that in the <br />interest of cooperative planning, the Board of County Commissioners respectfully request that the Town of <br />Hillsborough do an impact study and delay any action on the project until the Board of County <br />Commissioners have an opportunity to review any potential impact, as well as allow for any elected boards <br />an opportunity to review the total impact of the project. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Strategic Communications Plan <br />The Board considered the proposed Orange County Board of Commissioners' Strategic <br />Communications Plan. <br />Earlier in 1999, County staff drafted a Strategic Communications Plan for the Board's <br />consideration. The purpose of the plan is to promote more effective communication between and among <br />the Board of County Commissioners and Orange County citizens. Public access to government and freely <br />shared information are cornerstones of the democratic process, and thus, the plan should simplify access to <br />the Board and to the workings of the Orange County government. The plan should also establish <br />guidelines, policies, and vehicles for accomplishing the Board's goals for effective communication. <br />The proposed plan consists of an overview, an outline on the use of cable television to <br />further the Board's communication goals, a section on press releases and media relations, establishing <br />direct telephone access, optimal utilization of the County's Internet and Intranet sites, an outline of other <br />communication devices, and a section on crisis management. <br />Commissioners Gordon and Jacobs have revised the draft to take into consideration recently <br />adopted Commissioners' goals for 1999-2000, and several important elements that they believe should be <br />included in an effective communications strategy for the County. <br />The financial impact is undetermined at this time. <br />The Manager recommends that the Board review the proposed plan and provide appropriate <br />direction to County staff. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the Strategic Communications Plan in concept, to request County staff to develop timetable, <br />establish projected costs, and determine what financing arrangements are necessary for the plan, and to <br />ask the Information Technology (IT) Committee for their input. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Y21K Implementation Status Report - Orange County Critical Systems and Public <br />Utilities <br />The Board received a report on County preparations to deal with Year 2000 technology <br />challenges. <br />Certain critical County services cannot be allowed to have a lapse in service for any period of <br />time. These critical services, along with the required support systems, are identified below: <br />Emergency Management <br />• 9-1-1 dispatching capabilities <br />• Telephone service, both internal and external <br />• Infrastructure services such as water, power, HVAC for the facility <br />• Emergency power supplied through an onsite emergency generator <br />• Ambulances: All onboard equipment that could include embedded chips, vehicles, <br />and communications equipment. <br />Volunteer Fire Department <br />• Communications equipment