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A motion was made by Commission Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve <br />the second phase of the value engineering process. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. Preliminary Assessment of Proposed Hillsborough Place Development <br />The Board received a preliminary report on the proposed Hillsborough Place Development. <br />Orange County Planning staff were directed to review documentation related to the proposed <br />Hillsborough Place mixed-use development to be located south of Hillsborough in the northeast quadrant of <br />the 1-40/Old NC 86 interchange. A report was written which identified the primary issues with this <br />development, and includes: traffic, economic development design and MTC Guidelines, public service <br />impacts (schools, parks, police, fire, EMS, and so forth), environmental Issues/open space/landscape <br />aspects, development review, and miscellaneous. <br />With regard to traffic, this project is the linchpin of the important 1-86/1-40 triangle, and brings <br />with it many necessary improvements to Old NC 86, NC 86, internal roads within the development, the <br />proposed Hillsborough Bypass, the Churton Street/Old NC 86 expansion, and future connectivity to a <br />potential rail station north of this project. <br />As to the economic development district, the intent of the 1-40/Old NC 86 district is to create <br />a business park setting. Outparcels are discouraged, including freestanding service stations, restaurants, <br />and retail buildings. Dine-in restaurants and retail uses within consolidated buildings is permitted. <br />There is no public service impact analysis within the application document, so County <br />Planning staff made a cursory analysis with the information provided. Neither a school site nor parks have <br />been proposed in the development plan. Parcels C, E, I, N, P, G, L, H, K, and I are proposed to privately <br />contract for garbage pickup, while the Town of Hillsborough proposes to collect garbage on parcels A, B, <br />and D, which is primarily fee simple residential. EMS facilities are located approximately three (3) miles <br />from the site. The expenditure/revenue projections for this project cannot be determined at this time with <br />the available project information and the existing fiscal analysis software of the County. <br />This project is within the Neuse River Watershed basin and has relatively higher elevations. <br />The site serves as a head waters area near a basin divide with little or no permanent streams. The site is <br />completely forested with pine forest, pine/hardwoods mix forest, and hardwood forest. There are no major <br />environmentally sensitive areas noted at this time. The open space plan attempts to preserve small areas <br />of forest, but because of the large impervious requirements of non-residential development and <br />development elevation changes, limited areas of forest are preserved in the concept plan. The landscape <br />plans include entry features and streetscapes are well designed. The internal roadway corridors create a <br />consistent theme to assist in the developer's overall architectural design concept. <br />As to development review, physical design features exist to unify the development and to <br />create compatibility with neighboring areas. <br />A project of this scale and use should develop a high-intensity erosion control program, <br />including full use of phasing and BMPs. Additionally, a project of this magnitude would, under most growth <br />management guidelines, be considered a "Development of Regional Impact (DRI)". The impact affects <br />more than one (1) jurisdiction, and accordingly, should be reviewed jointly, with full input from affected <br />parties, including the County, the school district, and transportation MPOs. An annexation feasibility study <br />should be conducted which relates to the timing and ability of all affected parties to adequately provide the <br />area with essential public services. Presently, there is not enough building division staff and fee structure to <br />accommodate this project. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis stated that any children who reside in this proposed development will <br />attend New Hope Elementary School and A.L. Stanback Middle School, both of which are already operating <br />beyond capacity. <br />Commissioner Jacobs stated he would prefer to request an annexation feasibility study to <br />address some of the Board's concerns, as well as assess the environmental impact of this proposed project <br />to the surrounding areas. He stated that there appear to be too many aspects that have not been properly <br />addressed to act on the request. Commissioner Jacobs suggested delaying any action until the Board has <br />had time to further review this project. He further suggested offering the expertise of County staff to aid the