Orange County NC Website
AKG Project Summary <br />Expansion Plans <br />Based on predictions for strong customer sales in 2011, AKG North America, Inc. is <br />planning an expansion at one of its US facilities, either the Mebane facility or its sister <br />plant in Mitchell, South Dakota. The proposed expansion is projected to include a new <br />50,000 square foot assembly building as well as additional employee parking .and a <br />reconfigured facility entrance to accommodate the increase in traffic. The company has <br />estimated that the expansion will involve at least $3M in capital investment and the <br />creation of 90 new jobs with an average wage of $44,175. The jobs created will provide <br />opportunities for a wide range of skills, including welders, machine operators, <br />accountants and engineers. In addition to the expansion planned for 2011, AKG North <br />America is also considering a second phase expansion, with a potentially greater capital <br />investment. <br />Local and State Commitment <br />To demonstrate both the local and state commitment to locating AKG's North America <br />expansion at the Mebane, Orange County facility, Orange County's Economic <br />Development staff has worked cooperative with representatives from the City of <br />Mebane as well as North Carolina's Commerce Department to present a cohesive <br />package that demonstrates our support for the expansion. In addition, the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation and Duke Energy have been active in <br />demonstrating their support for the Mebane location. All team participants present a <br />strong and united proposal. <br />The company is currently evaluating the submissions from both Orange County and <br />Mitchell, South Dakota, and is expected to make a decision in the next week. <br />Project 'Quality Control'1 Summary <br />AKG Planned Ca ital Investment $3,000,000 <br />New Jobs Created 90 <br />Com an Location Finalized June 2011 <br />Avera e Wa e -New Jobs $44,175 <br />Pro osed Business Grant -Oran e Coun $100,000 ( aid over 5 ears) <br />Proposed Business Grant -City of Mebane $100,000 ($60,000 grant over 3 years, <br />$40,000 in kind services) <br />Pro osed North Carolina One rant $120,000 ( aid over 3 ears) <br />i 'Quality Control' is the name provided to this project by the NC Department of Commerce <br />3 <br />CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 of 2 <br />