Orange County NC Website
28 <br />Appendix A - Definition of Terms <br />affiliates, the annual Greenbuild International Conference & Expo, and advocacy in support of public <br />policy that encourages and enables green buildings and communities. <br />The aim of the TJCOG High Performance Guidelines is to provide a roadmap for the design and <br />construction of efficient, cost-effective, durable, and environmentally sound buildings and landscapes. Its <br />intended audience is local governments and schools in the region served by Triangle J Council of <br />Governments. This region includes the 3,300 square miles in North Carolina that lie within the counties of <br />Chatham, Durham, Johnston, Lee, Orange, and Wake, an area with a population of just over one million. <br />The Guidelines are designed to be an expandable document in which future case studies and technology <br />examples can be added. <br />Gross Square Footage (GSF)/Occupiable/occuaied square footage: Unit of measurement of a <br />building from outside the exterior walls. Example: An office building that was 100 feet by 100 feet as <br />measured by outside walls has an area of 10,000 gross square feet. This is greater than the Usable Area. <br />zs <br />The occupiable part of an office or a building floor; generally measured from "paint to paint" inside the <br />permanent walls and to the middle of partitions separating one tenant's space from <br />that of other tenants on the same floor. There is no deduction for interior beams or columns. 27 <br />The occupied part of a building is the portion of the occupiable square footage actually in use at a given <br />time. For example, the first floor of the Whiffed Human Services Center, although in occupiable condition, <br />was unoccupied from December 2009 to the time of this report and the basement and second floors ere <br />unoccupied from January 2010 to the time of this report.. As such, the occupied square footage of the <br />building was significantly less than the occupiable square footage. <br />Life cycle cost analvsis: All costs over the life of a project are considered, including owning, operating, <br />maintaining and eventually disposing of a system over the useful life of the system. All costs are adjusted <br />or discounted to reflect the time-value of money. <br />Payback analvsis: Payback analysis focuses on how quickly the initial investment can be recovered and <br />is therefore not a measure of long-term economic performance. <br />26 <br />httn://www. <br />27 <br />