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14 <br />This increase in energy usage primarily reflects the growth in the County's <br />occupied square footage10 (sq. ft.). As seen in Table 1, the County's occupied <br />square footage has increased by 30.8% since FY 05: Square footage <br />significantly impacts a building's energy use, both in terms of heating and cooling <br />demand, but also as an indirect measure of other drivers of electricity usage; <br />including staffing, visitors, and. equipment. Therefore when comparing energy <br />use between different time periods, energy use per 1,000 sq. ft" is a standard <br />measure used to show building energy performance. As seen in Figure 2, <br />energy use per sq. ft has increased from 100 (MMBTU/1,000 SQ.FT) in FY 05 to <br />110 (MBTU/1,000 SQ.FT) In FY 10, a 9.9% increase. <br />Figure 2: MMBTU/ Occupied Sq. Ft. <br />120 <br />~{ 100 100 96 98 101 102 <br />~i - - <br />'$ 80 <br />60 <br />40 <br />~ 20 <br />~ 0 - - <br />FY 05 (Base FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 <br />Year) <br />Fiscal Year <br />FY 10 <br />Table 1: County Wide Energy Use and Occupied Sq. Ft. by Fiscal Year <br />Difference Avg. Sq. Ft % Difference MMBTU/7,000 % Diff. from Base <br />Fiscal Year MMBTUs from Base Year Occupied from Base Year ~cr~~nierl m Fr ve,. <br />FY OS Base Yea 39,021 390,172 l 100 <br />FY 06 37,590 -3.7% 390,172 0.0% 96 -3.7% <br />FY 07 38,493 -1.4% 394,635 1.1% 98 -2 <br />5% <br />FY 08 42,139 8.0% 417,263 6.9°h 101 . <br />1.0% <br />FY 09 45,665 17.0% 447,270 14.6% 102 21 <br />FY 10 56,084 43.7% 510,294 30.8% 110 9.9% <br />Even using energy usage per square foot to demonstrate the County's energy <br />performance across fiscal years is not an accurate comparison due to the direct <br />impact of weather on energy use. The variation in weather from year to year <br />may be seen in Figure 3, which shows a measure of "hot" and "cold" weather <br />experienced in each fiscal year, expressed as total "heating" and "cooling degree <br />1 ° Occupied sq. ft., unlike gross sq. ft, refers to just space that is being actively used by staff. For instance, during the <br />renovation of Link Center, certain portions of the building were un-occupied. By not inGuding the sq. ft. of the space <br />undergoing renovations, the energy use per sq. ft, doesn't decrease dramatically because half the staff was not using the <br />space. See Appendix 'A' for a more detailed explanation. <br />1 In order to show energy use per sq. ft. in an easily presentable form, the tables and graphs below use square footage <br />figures in units of 1,000. <br />11 <br />