Orange County NC Website
12 <br />iii. Vehicle Use Reporting - Provide departments with a <br />quarterly report on the fuel used, miles driven, and the <br />overall efficiency of each vehicle assigned to their <br />department. <br />iv. Employee Consortium Presentations - 2 per year <br />b) Initiatives that require funding, either through operating or capital <br />project budgets. <br />i. Geothermal HVAC system' design and installation (Link <br />Center, first floor) <br />ii. Retro-Commissioning Efforts <br />Lighting upgrades <br />Work plan Goals <br />The ECT will measure the County's performance in energy, fuel and water usage <br />through several means. The report of these measures will be presented to the <br />BOCC, the general public and other stakeholders on an annual basis. <br />Energy Reduction Goals: ECT will use a version of the State's published energy <br />savings goals for State owned facilities. <br /> pdf The <br />County will strive fora 20% reduction from FY10 in overall BTU usage by the end <br />of FY15. An additional 10% reduction will be the Team's work plan through FY17. <br />-Fuel Use Measure and Goal: ECT will reduce fuel consumption and increase fuel <br />efficiency (MPG) by 10% by FY 15 as compared to FY 10. By FY 17, fuel usage <br />will have decreased and efficiency increased by another 5%, for a cumulative <br />change of 15% over FY 10 baseline levels. <br />Water Use Measure and Goal: ECT will reduce water usage per sq ft. by 5% by <br />FY 17. <br />"Know Your Building" - 100% participation with occupying County Employees and <br />individuals at every building review. Each facility will be reviewed at a minimum <br />of once every two years. <br />Employee Consortium Presentations - 2 presentations per year <br />' Geothermal/round source heat pumps use the earth as a heat sink in the cooling season and a heat source during the <br />heating season to increase efficiency and reduce operating demand for energy. <br />