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11 <br />adjustments for the different demands created by seasonal temperature <br />variations. These comparisons do not provide reliable indicators of changes in <br />energy or water use for newly constructed facilities, as they lack any <br />performance history, nor do they provide reliable indicators of changes in use for <br />renovated buildings- or buildings with significant changes in occupancy and/or <br />use. Between 2005 to early 2010 almost all County facilities have experienced <br />one or more changes due to renovations and relocations. A summary of facility <br />additions, modifications and departmental relocations, all of which have impacted <br />energy and water use at County facilities has been included as Appendix `E'. <br />Energy Conservation Team Work plan <br />The Energy Conservation Team, with support from other AMS staff, continues to <br />maintain detailed records of energy and water consumption in maintained <br />facilities. These data form the basis for measurement and verification of utility <br />use, and reductions in utility use. <br />The Team's work plan for 2010/11 included: <br />• identification of projects and initiatives as part of the budget process that <br />will directly impact utility reduction, if funded; <br />• systematic communication and education for staff that occupy County <br />facilities (both County staff and outside agencies) to heighten awareness <br />of systems and components in County facilities and of opportunities for <br />occupants to make a difference through small changes to their every day <br />habits. <br />The team's 2011/12 work plan includes: <br />1. Utility and fuel reduction initiatives: <br />The utility and fuel reduction work plan is composed of two sections: <br />a) Lower cost initiatives that can be developed and implemented <br />with little or no funding (primarily staff time) <br />"Know Your Building" Program - An individual building <br />awareness program designed to continuously familiarize <br />building occupants and maintenance personnel with key <br />building_ systems, safety, security, and conservation topics. <br />Each building is thoroughly reviewed at least once every two <br />years. <br />ii. New Employee Orientation -Will participate in the Human <br />Resource Department's scheduled training of new <br />employees; providing information on building safety, security <br />and conservation topics for buildings and vehicles. <br />7 <br />