Agenda - 06-07-2011 - 9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-07-2011
Agenda - 06-07-2011 - 9a
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Last modified
6/3/2011 3:50:39 PM
Creation date
6/3/2011 3:50:33 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 06-07-2011
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10 <br />including large pieces of equipment, notification of equipment failures, remote <br />access and monitoring capabilities to set temperatures,. during both occupied and <br />unoccupied periods. Digital control systems are now in place in seven County <br />facilities, and programmable thermostats are in place in virtually all other <br />locations. Lighting control systems and devices have also been installed in a <br />number of new and existing facilities to reduce energy use. <br />Water conserving initiatives in place at County facilities include motion-controlled <br />faucets and flush valves, low flow fixtures and .valves, routine inspections of <br />plumbing equipment for leaks, etc. Two of the County's newest buildings also <br />include systems designed to reduce the amount of potable water consumed. <br />The Animal Services Center located at 1601 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill included <br />a "non-potable water system" to capture rainwater, for non-potable uses within <br />the building, including animal holding area wash down water. For periods when <br />rainwater is not available, an on-site well provides backup. This system has <br />experienced the expected challenges of leading-edge systems and has been out <br />of operation periodically for necessary adjustments and modifications. As such, <br />complete and consistent information is not available for determining the impact <br />on reduction of potable water usage. <br />The West Campus Office Building includes a gray water system that captures <br />water from kitchen sinks and restroom hand washing basins. This "gray water" is <br />filtered, chlorinated and dyed, then used for flushing of toilets and urinals in the <br />building. This system has also been out of service periodically since it was <br />constructed for needed service and modifications. As with the non-potable <br />system at Animal Services, complete and consistent information is not yet <br />available to assess the impact of the gray water system. <br />Vehicles and Equipment <br />The composition of the County's fleet has also changed over the past number of <br />years, although not as dramatically as its facilities. In addition to traditional gas <br />and diesel powered vehicles, the fleet now has vehicles that use bio-diesel, <br />ethanol blended fuel, and hybrid gas-electric vehicles. The County is also <br />developing electric charging stations for, and the purchase of, all-electric <br />powered vehicles. Grant funding has been secured to help offset the cost of this <br />project. <br />Monitoring and Verification <br />A key component of any good process for implementing change with desired <br />outcomes is the monitoring and verification of results. Meticulous utility records <br />have been maintained since 2004 for all facilities managed by Asset <br />Management Services. Initial performance reports were prepared in 2005-2006, <br />but the rapid changes in use and composition of the County's facilities meant that <br />reliable analysis was challenging, if not impossible, for many locations. <br />Explained in greater detail elsewhere in this report, the measurement of energy <br />and water consumption is essentially compared from year-to-year, with <br />6 <br />
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