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19 <br />B. Upon receipt of a request, the County Manager or designee will be informed of <br />the inquiry. <br />C. Depending of the type of request, the County Manager or designee will: <br />1. Inform appropriate. departmental staff (the Land Conservation Manager, <br />Cultural Resources Specialist, Landscape Architect, Parks Superintendent,) <br />of the request and solicit their feedback; <br />2. As needed and depending on the type of request, inform the appropriate <br />other, entities (County Manager, Asset Management Director, or other <br />related department head) to advise of the request and solicit feedback; <br />and/or <br />3. Consider the implications and desirability of the request and formulate an <br />appropriate response. <br />D. The County Manager or designee will apprise other departmental staff of the <br />planned response, and as needed inform the County Manager, Asset <br />Management Director or other department head (depending on the type of <br />request). <br />E. In general, requests for site visits and field reconnaissance will be approved by <br />the County Manager or designee. Requests for construction, intensive <br />research, any type of earth-moving or digging, testing or use of other <br />equipment brought to the site will be shared with the County Manager and <br />other related department heads as above. These types of requests may require <br />a longer consideration time prior to a response. <br />F. The person(s) making the request will be informed of the answer, apprised of <br />any parameters or conditions within which. the request may be granted, and <br />provided any waiver forms or other paperwork required before the activity may <br />occur. Generally, applicants must provide copy of a valid Certificate of <br />Insurance showing liability and worker's compensation coverage of the <br />sponsoring agency as it respects tFre proposed activities. <br />Orange County Facilities Use Policy Updated June 1, 2011 <br />Page 16 of 17 <br />