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Geoffrey Gledhill said that nonstructural governmental uses are not subject to zoning <br />regulations. It would only be applicable if it involved structures, and if it did, it would require a <br />Special Use Permit for the structures. <br />Gayle Wilson said that he has examined the County's Environmental Impact Ordinance. <br />The requirements of the state for siting and developing a landfill significantly exceed the <br />requirements in the County's Environmental Impact Ordinance. <br />Chair Gordon said that Orange County has some of the strictest requirements for <br />watersheds, and have an exemplary environmental record. This C&D site is not a done deal. <br />The suitability needs to be determined first. At this time, it is Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Orange <br />County working together as the Landfill Owners Group. In one year, the C&D space will need to <br />be available. She said that Orange County will be taking the lead and getting the information <br />out to the public. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that it is important to explain how a C&D site is operated, <br />how it works, and what scrutiny is used to inspect the loads. <br />Chair Gordon said that she would send information to certain key persons and put their <br />names on a mailing list. <br />John Link clarified that Bob Jessup would be going to each of the jurisdictions and <br />sharing the ideas and questions from the Orange County Board of Commissioners. Each board <br />has another meeting between now and June 30th, and the BOCC will determine the deadline for <br />the signing of the Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement. <br />7:00 - meal break <br />II. Resolution Concerning the Establishment of Metropolitan Planning Organizations <br />Chair Gordon explained the background behind this resolution. The Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners asked her to write a letter objecting to the consolidation of the <br />Metropolitan Planning Organizations which included combining the Durham/Chapel Hill <br />Metropolitan Organization with the one from Raleigh and Wake County, which is called CAMPO. <br />She said that some recent events have indicated that some form of the bill is going to pass. <br />There is a resolution now that asks that there at least be a study commission formed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the Resolution Concerning Senate Bill 1164 (An Act to Establish Consolidated <br />Metropolitan Planning Organizations), with changes in language in the letter. Commissioner <br />Jacobs suggested changing the language in the second paragraph to read "The Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners has long been a strong advocate of regional planning." Also, in the <br />third paragraph, he would like to mention that this echoes the concerns of Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro. <br />Resolution Concerning Senate Bill 1164 <br />(An Act to Establish Consolidated Metropolitan Planning Organizations) <br />WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1164 is titled "An Act to Establish Consolidated Metropolitan Planning <br />Organizations Under State Law;" and <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of Senate Bill 1164 is to ensure that Metropolitan Planning <br />Organizations are established under State law in a manner consistent with federal law; and <br />WHEREAS, another stated purpose of Senate Bill 1164 is to encourage better regional <br />planning; and