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does not matter what it is called, but that the County needs to be reimbursed. She asked that <br />the staff write up the explanation of the reimbursement. <br />Bob Jessup said that he plans to send out a memo to the working group tomorrow <br />morning to let everyone know what happened tonight at this meeting and at the Carrboro Board <br />of Aldermen's meeting. <br />Chair Gordon said that she feels that the transfer needs to be six months from the date <br />the proposed interlocal agreement is signed. She feels a deadline should be set for reaching <br />an agreement, which could be September 1, 1999. <br />John Link said that it needs to be pointed out to the elected boards that when they look <br />at all the details now as opposed to looking at them over the next two years, then the transfer <br />will not take place by January 1St. He asked the County Commissioners if they want to pursue <br />an aggressive discussion of these points now or revert back to a more general agreement so an <br />agreement could be reached by September 1St <br />Commissioner Brown said that she feels an agreement could be reached by June 30tH <br />Flag items that need further discussion, clarification, or modification. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she supports changing the name of the Landfill Advisory <br />Commission to Landfill Advisory Board. She asked about page 17, item e, which states, "to <br />further such mission and goals for the system as the County may adopt from time to time." She <br />asked what this statement meant by "mission." <br />Bob Jessup clarified that this meant that the Landfill Advisory Board would do what the <br />County Commissioners thought the system was supposed to be doing. He said this item could <br />be removed if it is confusing. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if it has been determined that this advisory board would <br />review and approve all changes to the rates, fees, and charges. <br />Bob Jessup said that these changes would not require approval of the governing boards. <br />If the advisory board does not agree, then the proposal goes to the governing boards. <br />Chair Gordon said that the advisory board does not track with the resolution on boards <br />and commissions such as term limits, bylaws, a charge, etc. she feels this Board should follow <br />the County's policies. <br />Bob Jessup said that he would report that the County Commissioners have some <br />substantial questions about the organization and responsibilities of the Advisory Board. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the language in #2 on page five is consistent with what <br />the Board discussed. He feels these questions should be flagged and they should not try to sort <br />them out or state positions. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it appears that the other four Commissioners are <br />beginning to unravel all that has been done on this proposed interlocal agreement. <br />John Link said that this is about addressing the solid waste plan including recycling, <br />reduction, etc. If the jurisdictions are not going to support the level of fees and taxes that are <br />necessary to go forward with solid waste management, then nothing happens. <br />Commissioner Carey said that if there is not a commitment of funds, the implementation <br />of the plan cannot move ahead. <br />The following items were flagged: <br />Landfill Advisory Commission (p. 8) <br />Limitations of Material Financial Changes (p. 4) <br />#2 on page 5 - dealing with fees <br />Governmental Fees definition (p. 5)